Chapter 3.

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My alarm goes off, I get up straight away and jump into the shower. Today is day one of press junkets for 'After We Fell'.  We have 5 interviews scheduled for today and another 4 tomorrow.

It's going to be strange doing face-to-face interviews again. Due to the recent pandemic, nearly all the promo we did for 'After we Collided' was done via zoom.

Even though i wasn't good with these type of interviews, at the time I was slightly relieved. A month before promo started, Hero told me that he was with someone and I wasn't sure I could face him so soon.


~August 2020~

We're about to do our first virtual press interview for 'After We Collided'.  And I'm slightly nervous.  This will be first time seeing Hero since we spoke last month.

Just as I'm about to log into the zoom meeting my phone vibrates. I grab it and see it's a text from Hero. I take a deep breath and open the message.

"Hi Jo, I just wanna say good luck today and you'll do fine"

"Thanks" I reply.  He knows me so well and knows even still after all the promotion last year, I still get nervous at these types of things.

"Lets have fun in these interviews" he replies back.

"Let's do this" I reply, trying to come across as confident

I log into the zoom meeting. My eyes go straight to Hero, even in the little rectangle he looks so handsome. His hair has got so long but damn it looks good on him. He looks so good, his smile, his.......

I'm brought back to reality when I hear Dylan ask "Where's Jo?" I then realise that I haven't enabled video yet. I click video and say "Hi, I'm here, I'm here" 



Some of the zoom interviews we did back then were fun. We would play games, like try and get a random words in without the interviewer noticing. Hero would also text me during some of them and I found it hard not to get too distracted by them and what he'd say.

Im brought back to the present, when my phone rings. It's my manager, she tells me that she downstairs already in the meeting room setting up and double checking the pre-approved the questions that we're due to be asked today.

I finish getting ready and head down the meeting room.


I check my phone and realise that I'm meant to be downstairs in less than hour and I've barely slept at all. All night I couldn't stop thinking about Jo.

I jump out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shower. I throw on a black pair of trousers and a khaki jumper. I grab my phone and keycard and head downstairs.

I open the door to the meeting room and see Jo  is already there and being mic'ed up. Wow she looks gorgeous, she always does.

She waves when she sees me.  I smile and walk over to her. "Morning, Jo"

"Morning" she says with a smile. She then takes her seat as I get mic'ed up.



After hours of seemingly repetitive questions about the movie. We finally finish up for the day at around 3 and have the rest of the day to ourselves.

I feel so tired after not getting much sleep last night, so decide to head back to my room and take a nap.

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