Chapter 25

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*This chapter includes mature content*

November 2021


Ive parked the rental car in the corner of the airport car park. I grab my phone and text Hero the details of the lot that I'm parked in.

I flip down the the visor and check my make up and re-touch my lip gloss. I'm excited for this weekend as it's Heros birthday tomorrow and I've planned us a little weekend away.

After about 15 minutes Hero taps on the window of trunk of the 4x4 and I pop open the trunk. He then opens the passenger door and slides into the seat.

He leans over and kisses me softly.

"Hey babe. How was your flight" I say

"Yeah good, thanks babe" Hero replies as he takes my hand in his.

I climb over the center console and onto his lap, which takes him by surprise.

"I've really missed you" I say, running my hands through his hair. I then kiss him passionately, he responds by deepening the kiss.

I reach for the waistband of his joggers and I slide my hand underneath.

He grabs my hand and holds it's still "We can't Jo" he says looking at me

"We can" I say and I kiss him again.

"Someone might see us" Hero says with concern

"No one will see us. That's why I parked in the corner and the windows are tinted. And plus isn't that half of the fun" I say cheekily

His lips then meet mine with such force and his tongue intertwines with mine.

I reach back into his joggers and place my hand on his cock. I move my hands repeatedly along the shaft and he becomes hard in my hands.

I then lift myself up slightly, I hold my panties to one side and sit down taking all of him inside me. I then start to move up and down.

I place my hands on his shoulders, while his hands are on my hips. I move faster and he lifts himself up to meet me.

I lean forward and grab hold of the headrest as I come undone. Hero follows shortly after. He places his hand under my chin and kisses me.

"Happy birthday" I say and kiss him again

"Thanks" he says laughing

I climb back over to the drivers seat and pat down my dress. I buckle my seatbelt and start the car. I reverse out of the parking space and head out of the parking lot and head towards the freeway.

"So where are we off to then?" Hero asks

"It's a surprise" I reply

"Not sure I can take another surprise after the surprise you gave me" Hero says

I can't help but giggle. Hero lets out a little laugh himself.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what came over me. I just really missed you" I finally say

"Well, I know what came over me" Hero says cheekily

"Oh my god Hero!" I say as I swat him on the shoulder slightly embarrassed by his comment.

"I wish that you missed like that me more often" he then adds.

He takes my hand and he kisses the back of my hand. He then holds my hand and rests it on his leg.

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