Chapter 4.

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My alarms goes off and I jump out of bed and Head into the shower.

I get ready as quick as I can. I want to speak to Jo before we head down to our interviews  today.

I knock on her door, then realise that I should of messaged her first to see if she was up and dressed. Then I remember it's Jo I'm talking about and of course she'd be up, she's always so organised. It's one of the things that I love  about her.

She opens the door and seems flustered and looks at her watch. "Oh I thought we didn't have to be downstairs until 10, it's only 9.30. Or has my watch stopped" she taps her watch a few times.

"No, Erm, Yeah, I wanted to talk to you before we headed downstairs. Can I come in?" I nervously ask.

"Oh........yeah sure" She says, as she gestures for me to come in.

I walk into her room and pace a few times in front of the bed and then I turn to face her.

"I just wanted to start by apologising for last night. I shouldn't of kissed you. I was out of line and I'm so sorry"  I say quickly.

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm sorry, i shouldn't of kissed you back. You have a girlfriend and I respect that" she says sheepishly.

I take another step towards her "No, you did nothing wrong"

She looks down to the floor. I reach for her hands and hold them in mine. "Honestly, you have nothing to be sorry for. I...... I'm not with her anymore"

She looks up at me, her eyes searching mine. 

"What......when.......why" she says confused.

"A few months ago" I reply. "I should of said something before" I pause for a moment, thinking what to say next. "We were never really going to last. I knew that and I think deep down she knew that"

"But you seemed so happy together when we were all in Bulgaria. What changed?" She asks.

"I did, I guess.....Or maybe i never did....... Well my feelings for you, they never changed. I think that when we were in Bulgaria, she saw how I truly felt about you. I couldn't.....I can't hide the way you make me feel"

"Hero, I.......I"

"Jo, you don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted to apologise. And I want you to know that, you've done nothing wrong"  I softly squeeze her hands.


As Hero tells me that his relationship he was in, is over and that he still has feelings for me. I feel my heart beating faster and faster.

I try to speak but seem to have forgotten how to form a sentence.

"Hero, I.......I"

"Jo, you don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted to apologise. And I want you to know that, you've done nothing wrong"  he tells me.

He then pulls me towards him and he wraps his arms around me. I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest. He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

I look up at him and he looks down at me. I stand on tiptoe and kiss him softly. He moves his hands up to my face and deepens the kiss.  

I breakaway after a few moments and he looks at me, worried that he's done something wrong.

I place my hand on his chest. "Trust me, I would rather be here doing this, but we've got interviews to do"

He smiles and gives me a soft quick peck on the lips.

"We better get going then" he says and takes my hand and leads me out of the hotel room.



The interviews we do today are light and fun. First up we have Lauren, she is so nice and it's always lovely talking to her and she's a huge fan of the books and films.

Then we have Maurie, he always makes us play games with the most random questions but his interviews are always fun.

In the afternoon we have Marie Claire and played the  'How well do you know your co-star' game again and we finished the day with Seventeens'  'Superlatives' game.
By the time we finish, its late in the afternoon. We say our goodbyes to the promotions team and we head out of the room.

We make our way over to the elevators. I press the button and we wait patiently for it, neither of us saying a word to each other.

My mind races and keeps replaying this mornings conversation with Hero. The elevator door opens and we step inside.


We enter the lift, I go to press '4' for the floor for Jo's room, but as I go to press it, she quickly presses the number '5'. She looks at me and smiles.

The doors to the lift close and I'm glad that we're alone. I reach my hand down and take Jos hand. She moves nearer to me and rests her head on my arm.

As the doors open, she let's go of my hand and takes a step to the left, leaving a clear gap between us. This is the type of thing we used to have to do all the time.

We could never be caught in any kind of public displays of affection. We almost got caught twice, while doing promotion for 'After' and we  were reprimanded for our actions.

We walk down the hall to the door to my room. The moment the door closes, I can't hold back any longer. I turn to face her and kiss her. She responds and deepens the kiss.

I push her against the wall and I run my hands all over her body. My kiss is full of urgency, I just can't get enough of her. My kisses move from her lips, to her face and down to her neck.

"Jo" I say in between kissing her neck.

"Hero" she says breathlessly

I stop kissing her and make eye contact. "I think maybe we should talk first, before we do this"


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