Chapter 16.

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I get back to room a little after 6. I jump straight in the shower. I need to be ready by 7.15, as I need to order my Uber for 7.30.

Everyone else was going out for dinner together, as it's their last night in London. I felt bad for not joining them but I explained that I already had plans.

I couldn't lie to them again. So I told them that Heros mum wanted me over for dinner and they didn't ask any questions. Which I thought they might of done but then again Hero and I, are friends and have been for 3 years.

I've yet to tell them that I don't plan to go back to the US with them tomorrow. Then again I've not told Hero either. I suddenly release that maybe I should of told or even asked him if he wanted me to stay longer.

I order my Uber and get dressed. I grab my coat, the bottle of wine I brought for dinner and head down to the lobby.

Just as I reach the lobby, my phone vibrates and tells me my Ubers here.

As I get into the cab that waiting outside for me, I text Hero, to let him know I'm on my way. All of sudden I feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I take a few deep breathes to try and calm my nerves.

After 30 minutes of staring out the window looking at London and it's traffic, I finally arrive at Heros' mums house. As I get out the cab, I see Hero waiting's outside for me.

"What are doing out here"? I say when I see him

"Waiting for you" he says, as he puts his arms around me and then pulls me in for a kiss.

"And having a cigarette" I say as we break away from our kiss.

"Ah, sorry, my bad" Hero says and pops a chewing gum into his mouth.

He takes my hand and leads me into the house.



"I'm so nervous" Jo tells me.

"Don't be" I lift up her hand and kiss the back of it. "You'll be fine"

We walk into the kitchen where my mum is preparing dinner.

My mum turns to us, as we enter the kitchen and walks up and gives Jo a big hug.

"Hi Jo darling. How are you? It's so nice to see you again" She says to Jo

"I'm good thanks. How are you Martha?" Jo asks

"Really good thanks"

"Oh, I got this for you. Well us. For tonight" Jo says as she hands my mum the bottle of wine.

"Ooh, thank you"

My mum turns to me "Hero, get the bottle opener and crack this open will you" she hands me the bottle

"Sure mum" I put the bottle down on the counter and open the wine. I pour it into three glasses and I hand a glass to Jo and my mum.

"Thanks darling" my mum says as I hand her the glass of wine.

"Do you need help with anything Martha?" Jo asks my mum

"Thank you for the offer, but you're my guest. So I won't have you lifting a finger" she says to Jo and smiles.

She turns and faces me. "But you on the other hand, can you set the table please"

"Sure mum" I say.

I grab some plates and some cutlery and set the table.

I walk back into the kitchen and Jo and my mum are laughing.

"Did I miss something funny?" I say to them

"Oh nothing, darling" my mum answers still laughing

"Ok, so I can see how tonight is going to go. Two against one" I say

I look at Jo and she winks at me.

"Right, lets eat!" My mum says to us.

I grab the serving bowl of pasta and the salad bowl and follow my mum and Jo into the dining room as they continue taking.

Over dinner we talk about our movie coming out, about other projects that Jo and I have coming up.

My heart sinks a little when Jo tells my mum that shes due to fly back to LA tomorrow afternoon.



Hero and I, sit snuggled up on the sofa In his mums lounge. His mum insisted that we stay for a while after dinner and she even put on a movie on for us to all watch. Although she is now fast asleep on the other sofa.

He turns to me and asks "What time is your flight tomorrow? I was thinking maybe I could come to the hotel and see you off"

"Erm 3pm. But i was thinking.....If you want me to, I could stay a few more days" I say nervously

"Really" he looks at me with a big smile on his face.

I nod, "Yeah. If you want me to?"

"Of course I want you to!" He places his thumb under my chin and lifts it and kisses me.

"Cool. I'll change my flight tomorrow. I'll also need to see if I can extend my stay at the hotel" I say

"Stay with me" Hero says


"Dont stay at the hotel. Stay with me. At my place" Hero says

"Are you sure?" I ask

"100%" he simply says

I lean up and kiss him. I then snuggle back into his chest, as we half watch the movie that's playing on the tv.

Thanks again for reading.

Hope your all still liking my story.


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