Chapter 27

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We get back to the hotel room and Jo heads for a quick shower. She tells me to have a shower after and that I need to get changed into something smart for dinner.

She's won't tell me what the restaurant is called or what type of food it serves. She just says that's it's a fancy restaurant so I should like it.

I head into the bathroom after Jo gets out.  I jump into the shower. The water is still warm so decide to make it a slightly longer shower than I had planned.

I get out and wrap a towel around my bottom half and I walk over to the sink. The mirror is fogged up, so I wipe my hand across it. I check if I need a shave and then I brush my teeth.

When I walk out of the bathroom, I see Jo standing at the full length mirror doing her make up and she looks absolutely stunning.

She is wearing a figure hugging little black dress with a pair of black high heels.

"Wow, you look amazing" I tell her

"Thanks babe" she says walking over to me.

She then pecks me on the lips and heads into the bathroom.

I put on my black trousers, a light blue shirt and a black suit jacket. I did wonder why Jo said to pack something smart this time.

Jo walks out of the bathroom and over to me.

"You ready babe?" She asks me

"Yep" I say

I take Jo's hand and we head downstairs to our cab.

Minutes later we arrive at the restaurant. The sign above the door says "Morton's steakhouse"

"I hope this restaurant is good, it has good reviews online but you never know" Jo says

"Well let's check it out" I say.

I take her hand and we enter the restaurant.



After our lovely meal, we decide to walk back to our hotel rather than taking a cab. We walk hand in hand, talking, as we head back to the hotel.

After 10 minutes we reach our hotel and we head up to our room. As soon as I enter the elevator,  I take off my heels, as my feet are killing me.

As the doors open, I go to walk out of the elevator but Hero scoops me up in his arms and carries me to our room. I let out a giggle as he does this.

He sets me down as we reach the door. He kisses the back of my neck as I look for the key in my purse.

I open the door and walk into the room. As soon as the door closes, he spins me round and he places his hands on my waist. He pulls me closer and kisses me, our tongues intertwining.

He breaks our embrace but his hands remain on my hips

"Thanks for today.... and tonight. I've enjoyed my birthday. Thank you for planning everything" Hero says

"Your welcome and your birthday is not over yet!" I say. I wink and peck him on the lips.

I breakaway from his hold and walk over to my case. I grab my new nightwear and head into the bathroom to change.

I put on my new Victoria Secret lace cami set that I brought especially for this weekend and then I look at myself in the mirror. 

I then head back into the room. Hero is laying on the bed just in his boxers and flicking through the tv channels.

"Wow" Hero says

"You like?" I say and spin round

"I more than like. I...I.... well I don't know what to say. You look so sexy......No not sexy, hot, you look hot!" Hero says

"Stop" I say shyly.

I climb on the bed and up to Hero.

"Happy birthday" I say straddling him

"Mmmmm happy birthday to me indeed" he says.

He grabs my ass, then he reaches up and kisses me passionately. He pulls me down on top of him and then rolls on top of me.



I wake up due to the sun shining through the gap in the curtains. I get out out of bed and reach for pj bottoms that are in the floor still.
I slide them on and head into the bathroom.

I jump in the shower, I let the hot water cascade over me. After about 10 minutes, I get out of the shower and head back into the room to get dressed.

I get dressed and tie my hair up, as I can't be bothered to dry or style it. I then walk over to the bed and wake Hero.

"Babe, time to get up" I say and peck him on the cheek.

"Is that all I'm getting" he says sleepily

"Well if you get up and get ready, maybe your'll get more" I say and walk back over to the mirror to start my make up.

Hero jumps out of bed and Into the bathroom for a shower.

I finish doing my make up, as Hero comes out of the bathroom. He starts to get dressed and grab my phone and order an Uber.

Once dressed, Hero walks over to me and wraps his arms around me and pulls me in for a kiss.

My phone vibrates on the table. I breakaway from our kiss. I walk over and check my phone.

"Ubers here, we better go down" I say

I grab my jacket and Hero grabs his and we head out of the room.

We jump in the Uber and head to the zoo. I feel like a kid, as I'm excited for today. As it's meant to be one of the worlds best zoos.



We spend longer at the zoo than planned, so Jo orders a Uber straight to the restaurant. Luckily it only takes about 20 minutes.

The cab drops us off opposite the restaurant and we cross the street. The sign above the restaurant door says " La Puerta"

"A Mexican restaurant?" I say to Jo

"Yeah, tacos and tequila" she says, she looks at me and smiles

"Remember the tacos and tequila nights we used to go to in the hotel back in Atlanta" she adds

"Yeah, I have fond memories of those nights" I say .

"Though not too much tequila for me tonight, as I have to drive tomorrow" Jo says

I take her hand and lead her into the restaurant.


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