Chapter 24

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I wake up and feel that Hero is snuggled right up to me. He has his arm around my waist and his knees are bent up with mine. His face is buried in my shoulder.

I lay in bed for a few moments and make the most of having him with me. Today he leaves for London and it will be about month until we see each other again.

When Hero starts to stir, I roll over and to face him

"Morning" I say

"Morning gorgeous" he says and kisses me softly

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask
"I can make you, whatever you want" I say

"How about we go out somewhere for breakfast?" He replies

"Yeah ok" I say. "Why don't you go think of somewhere. I'm just going have a quick shower" I get out of bed and head into the bathroom.

I walk back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped me.  I notice that Hero is already fully dressed and is making the bed.

"How did you get dressed so quickly" I ask

"You know it doesn't take long to just throw on a cap" he says laughing

"Touché"  I say and sit in the edge of the bed and start towel drying my hair.

Hero finishes making the bed and leans over and kisses my shoulder.

"So have you decided on where we're going?" I ask

"Yep. I'll order an Uber" he says picking his phone up from the chest of drawers.

"Done. It should be in about 10 minutes" Hero the adds

"10 minutes. Shit, I better get some clothes on" I say

"Well, I mean I like the fact that you have no clothes on but I'm not sure what other people might think" Hero jokes

I shot him a 'I'm not impressed look' and he just laughs.

I drop my towel on the floor,  as I put on my underwear. Hero wolves whistles

"Down boy" I joke

I then grab a pair of jeans and an off the shoulder jumper from my wardrobe. I throw on a pair of AF1s.

I'm ready just as Heros phone vibrates. He takes my hand and we head out to the waiting cab.

"So where are we going?" I ask as I buckle up the seatbelt

"It's a surprise" Hero replies

We pull up outside a place on Sunset
Boulevard called Millies cafe. I never been here but looks nice place. We head inside and take a seat.



After we've had a breakfast, we head back to Jo's apartment. 

I head into the lounge and over to the sofa. I lay down on my back and Jo joins me. She lays on top of me and wraps her arms around me. I stroke her hair.

"Is there anything you wanna do before you head to the airport later?" She asks

"Yeah"  I say.

Jo looks up at me "What's that?" She asks

"This" I simply say "This is perfect"

She leans up and kisses me softly. She then places her head back down on my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

"What do you have planned for this weekend?" I ask Jo

"Nothing really. I'll probably go out for dinner with the girls tomorrow night. How about you?" Jo asks

"Probably sleep for a bit and then meet up with the boys for a kick about" I say.

We talk for awhile, about what we have planned for the next few weeks. We then lay in silence for a few moments.

I then get the urge to tickle her. I slowly move my hand towards Jo's side but she catches on to what I'm about to do.

"No, don't. Don't you dare" she says

I decide to ignore the warning and tickle her anyways. She wriggles around on top of me, giggling and telling me to stop.

"Sorry I can't hear you. What are you saying?" I joke

"Hero........stop.........please" she says in between her giggles

Her laugh is a sound that feels me with happiness. After a few moments I give in and stop tickling her.

I wrap my arms back around her and pull her close to me. She lays her head back on my chest and I kiss the top of her head.



We've spent most of the morning, laying on my sofa, wrapped in each others arms.

"I better my shit together and order my Uber" Hero says, removing his arms from around me.

I move off of Hero and kneel at the other end of the sofa. Hero grabs his phone and orders his cab. He then gets up and heads into the bedroom.

"Wish I could come to the airport with you" I say picking at nails.

Before he speaks i add "Yeah yeah I know, we don't wanna risk being seen"

Hero walks back into the lounge with his things.

"I would love for you to come with me and it won't always be this way" Hero replies

"I know" I say. I get up and walk over to him.

He wraps his arms around me and I rest my head on his chest. After a few minutes his phone vibrates.

"Uber here" he says and dropping his arms from around me.

He places his hand under my chin and lifts my chin. He leans down and kisses me passionately. I stand on tip-toe to deepen the kiss.

"I better go" Hero says breaking away from the kiss.

He grabs his case and heads towards the door.  I follow him to the door. He wheels his case out of the door. He turns round and gives me a soft and tender kiss goodbye.

I watch him walk away and head towards the cab waiting at the sidewalk. He places his case in the trunk and opens the passenger door. He turns and waves one final time before getting into the cab and closing the door.

I watch the cab drive away and then I close the front door.  I head into my bedroom and grab the laundry basket. I decide the best way to occupy my mind is by doing chores.


Sorry for not posting sooner, but hope you're all still enjoying my story!

Thanks again for reading and let me know what you think by voting/commenting!


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