Chapter 38

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I'm awoken by my phone alerting me that I have a text message.

I roll over and grab my phone from the bedside table. I see that it's from my mum, puzzled as to why she's texted me, i sit up, rub my eyes and open the message.

'Morning darl. Just want to let you know that dad and I have gone to pick Katherine up from the airport. Didn't want to wake you both. We should be home in about an hour or so'

I put my phone down and gently shake Hero to wake him.

He rubs his eyes. "What time is it?" He asks

"Just after 8. Mums gone to collect Katherine and they'll be back in about an hour" I tell him

"An hour huh. There's a lot we can do in an hour" he says and then he starts to tickle me

"Hero" I say in between giggles.

He stops and I climb on top of him. He reaches his hands underneath my pajama top and lightly squeezes my breasts.

I reach my hand down and into his boxers. I move it up and down the length of his penis, as he caresses my breasts.

I feel him harden in my hands. He rolls us over and then rolls me on to my stomach. He lifts up my hips and I move on to all fours.

He removes my panties and throws them to the floor. He separates my legs with his knee. He wets his fingers and inserts them into me.

I let out a moan, as I become wet with the motion of his fingers against me. He then enters me from behind.

This morning, there is no slow pace or being quiet. He moves quick and hard, in and out of me. My breathing quickens and moans escape my mouth.

As hE pounds against me, I feel my legs and knees buckle slightly. He holds my hips to keep me in place.

"Uh. Um. Um. Uh. Hero" I moan, as he continues to pound into me.

"That's it, come for me baby" he says

My moaning quickens as I come. He then rolls me over and pulls me up on to him.

I sit straddling him and begin to rock my hips. He places one hand into my hair and pulls my head down and kisses me hard.

I move back and forth, on top of him. His hands grab my bottom and he pulls me closer to him. I let out a gasp, as I feel him enter deeper.

He then lays back and moves his hands on to my thighs. I begin to ride him

"Faster baby" he instructs

I rock faster and he lifts himself up, to meet each movement of my hips.

"That's it baby.....Uh I'm gonna come" he moans

I rock faster, he moves his hands up and he holds on to my hips. My breathing quickens as I begin to come again. He lets out a long moan as he comes inside me.

I lean down and kiss him.

"Well, I'm glad my parents weren't around to hear all that!" I say as I sit still straddling him

"I know. I had to really control myself last night. And with you, that's not an easy thing for me to do" he tells me and pulls me in for another kiss.

"Right. Well we better start getting ready cos they're gonna be back soon and I don't want them to find me on top you" I say

I climb off him. "Right I'm gonna jump in the shower" I say

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