Chapter 14

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I walk up the red carpet, well purple this time and I wave at the fans that have waited to see us and I pose for some photos with a few fans and sign autographs.

There is so many people here, more than in LA and Paris. This is the first time that we've had a London premiere. "After" was never released in UK cinemas and due to covid, we were unable to have any premieres for "After We Collided".

This is so overwhelming, all these people here to see us, I can't believe it. Our fans are so passionate and faithful. I keep looking out for Hero but can't see him yet. 

An assistant comes over and guides me over to the press pen, where some of the cast are already having their photos taken.

As I walk over towards them, Kiana waves at me. She is honestly one of the nicest people I have met. I walk over to her and she puts her arm around me and I join the cast for some group photos.

I hear a suddenly hear a roar of girls screaming and I know that this signals that Hero has arrived. I continue having my photo taken with some of the cast but secretly deep down I can't wait to see Hero.

Hero joins the group and we have a few more photos taken. He stands on the opposite side of the group to me. I wish he was by my side.

After a few minutes posing group photos, an assistant comes over and tells the rest of the cast to make their way inside. 

She tells me to stay put momentarily and I pose for photos solo. I see Hero out it'll the corner of my eye, he is talking to Chance. After a few minutes, he walks up to me.

"Hey" he says and slips his arm around me.

"Hey" I say back, as I put my a around him and we pose for photos together.

I then get ushered over to the media pen to do some interviews, while Hero has his photo taken solo. Press always make me nervous. I always feel awkward but I feel I'm getting better.

They always compare After to Fifty Shades of Grey. I make a mental note that I must watch them one day. Maybe I can watch them with Hero, I think to myself.

I'm then lead Into the foyer of the cinema with the rest of the cast and guests. As I walk in I see Martha standing on her own, I pluck up the courage and walk over to her.

"Hello Martha. How are you?" I say

"Hi Jo darling. I'm good, how are you?" she says pulling me in for hug. Her hug is so warm and welcoming.

"Yeah I'm good thanks" I say as we break away from the hug.

"I love your dress. I know Hero will like it too. Especially as it's blue" she says with a smile.

This makes my blush "Thanks" I simply say as move some of my my hair behind my ear.

"Speak of the devil" Martha says.

I look over and see Hero walking towards us both, with his mates Felix and Alex behind him.

"Hey mum" he says hugging his mum

He turns to his mates "Jo, you remember Felix and Alex right?"

"Yeah. Nice to meet you again" I say, although I didn't mean it to sound so formal. I hug them both.

Hero turns to me and says quietly just so that I can hear "I just wanted to say, that you look gorgeous in that dress" 

"Thanks" I say 

He leans in a bit further and says even quieter "You'll also look gorgeous out of that dress"

This makes me blush. "Stop" I say patting him away.

We then get told to make our way into the screen. Everyone starts moving towards the screen.

"Let's go watch and this movie. I've heard that the two lead actors are amazing!" Martha says linking my arm and we make our way to the screen.



I wish that I was sitting next Jo but my mum is sitting in between us and then I have Felix and Alex on the other side of me.

At certain parts of the of movie, especially the raunchier scenes, Felix nudges my arm and I become slightly embarrassed. 

I just know they are going to ask about them later and I'm not sure I want that conversation. And to think I was more nervous about my mum seeing the scenes.

Watching Jo and I on screen, makes realise how obvious it is how we truly felt about each other.

We used to get asked a lot in interviews about our chemistry and we would always say it was down to good casting and that. But I now realise, it's much more than that.

Even though Jo and I wasn't in a relationship when we made this film, you can see the way we feel about each other.

It's true what they say, that a look you give can speak louder than using words. No wonder so many fans shipped us as a couple. I always thought i hid it well.

I then suddenly feel a wave guilt. When we made this movie, I had a girlfriend. She knew about my history with Jo and I always reassured her that nothing was going on between Jo and I.

Which is true, I never cheated on her. But I can't help feel guilty for not being totally honest with how I felt. Even when she visited me on set and she saw how I was around Jo and she questioned me about it. I told her that she worrying over nothing.

I need to remember that's in the past and I can't change what happened. It's all about moving forward with Jo now and I'm not letting anyone or anything come between us.

As the movie ends my mum reaches for hand and squeezes it. She leans over to me.

"Ooh that was so good. I can't wait to see the next one"

"Thanks mum" I say and squeeze her hand back.



I'm glad that the after party was at the hotel we're staying at. It made it easier for Hero and I can sneak off. His mother didn't come to the party and he left Felix and Alex at the party as the were enjoying themselves.

I open the door to my room and show Hero in.

"Wow, you weren't kidding. This room is huge" he says as he walks around checking out the room.

"Wait, this is the best bit" I say as I walk over to the window and I open the curtains.

"Isn't this view just so beautiful" I say as I look out of the window at Tower Bridge all lit up.

Hero walks up to me and he stands behind me and puts his arms around my waist and I place my hands on top of his and rest my head on his chest.

"I've seen better" Hero says

At this, i spin around to face him. "What, where? I don't think that's possible"

He places his hands on each side of my face and looks directly into my eyes. "It is. You are more beautiful than any view in the world" he leans down and kisses me.


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