Chapter 22

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We decide to head over to The Grove today, for lunch and some shopping.

Hero spends most of his time in the Nike shop. He buys a few t shirts and picks up yet another new pair of AF1s. He also buys a couple of hoodies from Octobers Very Own.

I buy a cotton dress from J Crew and a denim jumpsuit and a little black crossbody bag from Nordstrom.

After a few hours of shopping, we head to La Piazza for lunch. We sit outside on the terrace and order a bottle of white wine.

Hero holds my hand on top of the table. He plays and stokes my fingers as we wait for our lunch to arrive.

I love these little moments we have. I look at him and smile. I can't believe that in two days, he's heading back to London.

While we wait for our food to arrive, we chat about what he wants to do tomorrow, for his last full day in LA.

"So what do you want to do tomorrow?" I ask Hero

"What would you say.......about us going to Disneyland? " Hero suggests

"Ok, yeah........why not" I surprisingly find myself saying.

"Really.....Cool" Hero says and is just as surprised as I was that I agreed to go.



After lunch, we come back to my apartment.
Hero sits on the sofa watching TV, while I do some laundry.

As I'm putting some clothes away, I decide to empty a drawer and make some room in my wardrobe. When I was in London Hero did the same for me and it meant a lot to me, so I've decided to reciprocate the offer.

I walk back into the lounge and sit on the sofa opposite Hero.

"I've, erm, made some space in my wardrobe if you wanna leave some stuff here too" I nervously say

"Thanks, babe"  he leans over and kisses me.

My phone then vibrates. I grab my phone from the coffee table and see it's Victoria.

"Victoria's invited us to see a movie tonight, Do you wanna go?" I ask Hero

"Yeah, sure" Hero says

"Cool" I say and text Victoria back.

Victoria texts back and says that she'll pick us up at 8.

"Cool, Victoria said she'll pick us up at 8. The movie starts at 9 at the Hollywood forever cemetery" I tell Hero

"What, a cemetery, like a real cemetery?" Hero asks

Hero doesn't believe me when I tell him that's it an actual cemetery and that they show movies and that there. So he grabs his phone and Google's it.

I decide to change my clothes and I head back into my room. I put on my new denim jumpsuit and pair it up with a pair of AF1s that Hero brought me awhile back.

I walk into the kitchen and pack up a tote bag. I pack a few bottles of beer for Hero and two small bottle of wine for myself.

"I love that jumpsuit on you" Hero says to me, as I walk back into the lounge and place the bag on the sofa next to Hero.

"Ah, thanks babe" I say and kiss his cheek.

"It's that the one you got today?" He asks

"Yeah" I reply.

I walk into the hallway and grab the a picnic blanket and a blanket from the cupboard and pack it in the tote bag.



We arrive at the cemetery for the film. I still can't get my head around that it's an actual cemetery and there is actually people buried here.

We head over to where the film is being shown and there is loads of people here. We find Hadley and the others and head over to them.

Jo sets down the picnic blanket and we sit down. She hands me a beer and pours herself a tumbler of wine.

As we wait for the film to start, we all have little chats amongst ourselves, drinking beer or wine and munching on snacks.

Just as the movie is about to start, Jo moves over to me.

"You ok?" She asks me

"Yeah. I'm good thanks" I say and she gives me quick peck on the lips.

I part my legs and pat the blanket. She moves closer and sits in between my legs. I wrap my arms around her and she lays a blanket over her legs.

I kiss the crown of head, she leans back and rests her head on my shoulder.



After the movie finishes, we pack up all our stuff and all head back to Jos apartment to hang out for a little bit.

Jo hands me some snacks and tells me to put them on the table in the lounge.

Jo and Hadley, line up all the bottles of alcohol they have on the kitchen side. Hadley then starts mixing them in a bowl and starts making a punch.

"Duh-duh" she says once she finished and places it on the table.

She hands everyone a cup and orders us all to try it. She hands me a cup already filled with some punch.

I look over at Jo and she shaking her head. I mouth "what" and she mouths back "dont drink it"

I decide to try it anyway. I take a huge sip and I instantly feel the alcohol burn the back of my throat. It makes my eyes water and I cough slightly.

"Wow, Hadley what did you put in here? Diesel?"  I say hoarsely and look at the contents in the cup

She laughs. "Oh just some Vodka, rum, tequila and gin. Oh and some orange and cranberry juice. Nice huh?"

"Nice, er not quite sure I'd say that" I say

Jo walks over to me and hands me a beer.
"Here, you might prefer this"

"Thanks" I say. As I take the beer from her, I kiss her forehead. She takes the cup from me.

I see people drinking the punch and I honestly don't know how they can drink it.

After a few hours, people start heading home. Hadley stays behind and helps us clean up.

Jo tells Hadley that she doesn't have to stay elsewhere, as this is her home too. But she tells Jo that she wants to give us space and alone time and that she'll be back the morning I leave for London.

As soon as Hadley leaves. I walk up to Jo and
pick her up and she wraps her legs around me.

She leans in, rubs her nose against mine and then kisses me passionately.

Hi, hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Thanks for reading!


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