Chapter 37

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I wake up from the short nap. I look over and see Hero is still asleep. I get out of bed quietly, trying not to wake him. I head out of the room and to the bathroom for a shower.

When I walk back Into the bedroom, Hero is awake.

"Hey, if you wanna have a shower. It's down the hall" I say to him

"Yeah. That'll be great. Thanks" Hero replies

"There's towels in the bathroom cupboard that you can use" I say

He gets up and walks over to me. "Thanks babe" he says and kisses my forehand and heads out of the room.

I dry myself and get dressed. I then sit down on the bed. I start playing with my heart necklace as I wait for Hero to return.

Moments later Hero walks back into the bedroom. He walks over to the wardrobe pulls out a clean pair of long shorts and t shirt and throws them on.

I get up of the bed and walk over to the door. Hero takes my hand and he pulls me towards him. He looks at me, my eyes search his and kisses me softly on the lips.

"What was that for?" I ask

"Just because" he says


I open the door and we head towards the kitchen.

"Hey darling, how was your nap?" My mum asks

"Yeah good, thanks" I reply. "Do you want any help with dinner?" I ask

"No it's all under control. Dads got the barbecue fired up already" my mum replies

"Cool" I reply

My mum opens the fridge and takes out a few rectangular glass dishes that are full of food. She attempts to stack them.

"Mum, here let us take out some of those" I say and walk towards her

"Thanks darl" she says and hand me two dishes and I head towards the already open back door

"I'll take those for you, Liz" Hero says and points at the remaining dishes on the side.

"Aw, thank you Hero" she says and hands him two dishes.

Hero then follows me out to the garden.

I place the dishes on the table and remove the aluminum foil. Hero does the same. I place my hand out with my palm up and Hero places the discarded foil into my hand.

"Do you want a beer son?" My father asks Hero

"Please" Hero replies

My father hands him a bottle of ice cold beer from the cooler.

"So have you been to Australia before, son?" My father asks Hero, as Hero takes a sip of beer.

I watch them converse from a distance, with a smile on my face. My mum then comes to my side.

"He seems like a lovely boy" she says to me

"I think so" I turn to her and smile.

"You two seem really happy and that makes my really happy" she says

"Aw mum" i turn and hug her.

"Right. Foods done. Who wants what?" My father then says loudly, waving the tongs around.

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