Chapter 35

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We get home after spending a lovely Christmas Day at Martha's, which we finished off with a walk along the London embankment.

We walk into Heros house and he offers to make us some tea before bed. I follow him into the he kitchen and  sit at the breakfast bar.

"Thank you for today. I really enjoyed it" I say as hands my a mug of hot tea

"You don't have to thank me. I'm glad you enjoyed it and that my family weren't to much. Mercy loves Christmas and often goes over the top" he says and takes a seat next to me.

"I can tell. But it's was a really good day. It makes me think about how much was missed last Christmas. I mean I was around my friends and don't get me wrong I love them dearly but there's just something special about spending time with family" I say

"So you class me as family?" Hero says and raises an eyebrow.

"Well" I say and suddenly feel nervous

"I class you as family too. And maybe one day soon, it'll be official" Hero says. He smiles and take a sip of tea.

I'm a little taken back by the end of his sentence. I know that I've felt ready to settle down for a while but this is the first little glimpse that I've seen that he might be ready too, at some point.

I smile back and take a sip of tea. I feel all warm inside and I'm unsure if it's what Hero has just said or the hot tea.

After we finish our tea and we head upstairs to bed.



We head round to my fathers for Christmas dinner number two.  I knock on the door and my father answers almost instantly.

"Hi son. So good to see you" he says, as he hugs me.

I breakaway from our hug and then I turn and introduce Jo to my father.

"Nice to meet you Jo" my father says

"Nice to meet you too, George" Jo says

"Come in, come in" my father says.

I take Jo's hand and we walk through the doorway.

"Titan and Mercy are in the lounge if you want to join them. We will call once dinner is ready" He looks at his watch. "Which should be about 30 minutes" my father says

We walk into the lounge. I sit on the sofa with Titan and Jo joins Mercy on the other sofa.

Minutes later my dad walks into the lounge and says that dinner is ready and we all head into the dinning room.

We enjoy our second Christmas dinner and I know that I won't be eating turkey for months after having it two days in a row.

After we've exchanged presents and eaten more mince pies. I check phone and see that it's getting late. I decide to order an Uber, which says will be here in 10 minutes.

"We better get going. We have our fight tomorrow morning and we've still yet to pack" i say as I stand up

"Ok son. Thank you for coming, it meant a lot" my dad says to us

"Thank you for having us George. It's been lovely" Jo says

I hand Jo her coat and then put on my coat and we head out to our cab.

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