Chapter 9.

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I open my eyes and see that Hero is asleep next to me. I watch him sleep for a few moments. He looks so peaceful. I lean over and kiss him softly on the forehead and get up and head to the kitchen.

I decide to make us some breakfast. As we have the premiere tonight, I decide on something light. I cut up some mango and place it in a bowl along with some mixed berries. I empty some yoghurt into two bowls.

Just as I'm about to carry the tray into the bedroom, Hero walks into the kitchen.

"Morning babe" he says and kisses me in the top of my head.

"Aw, I was gonna bring this into bedroom for us" I say with a hint of disappointment in my voice

"I'm sorry. Maybe we could eat out on the terrace?" Hero suggests

We head out to the terrace. The sun is shining and it's a glorious morning. This puts me in a good mindset for the day.

"Actually having breakfast outside was a much better idea" I say to Hero with a smile.

It's going to be a busy day. We have the premiere tonight at 7.30pm but we have to arrive at 6. My hair and makeup artists are due over for 3.30pm and my car is due at 5.30pm.

We finish breakfast and I head into the kitchen to wash up our bowls.

"My Uber will be here in about 10 minutes" he says walking into the kitchen. He grabs a towel and starts drying the bowls.

"Ok" I simply answer, as I finish washing up.

It's a shame we cant arrive together. But it would cause so much attention and that attention that we don't want.  We are both private people and we don't want everyone knowing our business. We don't want to become just another Hollywood couple who are plastered in all the gossip magazines.

I'm still surprised that last time we were dating, that we were never caught out. We never had any paparazzi photos of us as a couple, but we where very careful not to be seen though.

"My Ubers here" Hero says walking back over to me.

He lifts up my chin and gives me a tender kiss.

"I'll see you later tonight. I can't wait to see your dress" he says and heads out of the door



I look at myself in the full length mirror. I love this dress even though it's colourful. My go to colour is black. But when I saw this dress something drew me to it, so I just went with it.

My hair stylist and I, decided to keep my hair down and it's been straightened.  I haven't hair my hair poker straight for so long.  My eye make up is also a little different. I have some glitter eyeshadow on to match the shimmer in the dress.

I look down at my watch and see it's 5.25pm. My car is due any moment. I'm excited and nervous for tonight.

I grab my clutch bag and have one final look in the mirror. My phone vibrates and tells me that my car is here.

"Here we go" I say aloud to myself and I head out of my apartment.



Red carpet events make me nervous especially as I'm on my own at the moment. It's a weird feeling being in front of all this people taking your photo and feeling lonely.

I wish that Jo and I could arrive at these things together but we're not allowed. We can't be seen arriving together at these events unless we're arriving as a group.

I hear Jo's name being called and I look over to my left and I see Jo walking up the red carpet. Wow, she looks stunning. She always looks so beautiful. The v neck on the dress gets my pulse racing.

She stops a few feet away from me and has her picture taken by the throng of media at the event.  I look away, if I'm caught looking at her for too long, things will be said.

After a few moments, Jo is standing next to me.

"Hi, you look handsome" she says with a giggle

"Hi, thanks" I say and I put my arm around her "You look beautiful" I whisper to her. She looks up at me and smiles.

This is when I feel most at ease at these events. When Jo is next to me, I feel calm. 

We pose for photos together for about 10 minutes. Then some more of the cast join us for group photos.

We are then told by an assistant, to make our way into the screen. I reluctantly remove my arm from around Jos' waist.

"Thanks guys" I say waving to the media and some fans that have arrived. I follow Jo into the movie theatre.

We sit next to each other in the screen and it kills me not to reach out and touch her or hold her hand during the movie.  Not only is it in our contracts that we can't be seen romantically together, we also don't want everyone knowing our business.

But there's times that I just wanna show everyone, show the world, how I feel about her. Even though we've just began our relationship again. I still feel the same as I did before.  I know how much I love this girl.



The movie finishes and people start chatting amongst themselves. I look over at Jo and we just smile at each other.

Castille comes over and hugs Jo and myself.

"I'm so excited for all the fans to see the movie. You two did an amazing job" she says to both of us.

"Aw thanks Castille, so did you" Jo says to her. 

"Let's go and celebrate" Castille says. She links Jos' arm and they walk off.

Chance walks up to me, "Hey man" I say as we greet each other.  "Hey man" he replies

"Let's go get drink, dude"  he says as he drapes his arm over my shoulders.

We head out of the theatre and follow Jo and Castille to the after party


Hope you're still enjoying my story guys!

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