Chapter 21

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*This chapter includes mature content*


The sun is shining and it's looks as it's going to be a glorious day. Today Hero and I, are meeting some of my friends at the beach this morning.

I pack up a bag with some cold drinks, some  snacks, some plastic plates and cups. I pack another bag with two beach towels, some sun tan lotion and some other beach items.

"Hero, do you have any swimming trunks? If not we can stop off on the way"

"Na, I have some shorts, these will do" he says

He hands me a pair of Nike shorts and I put them in the bag.

"Right, I think that's everything" I say

"I'd say so. We're only going to the beach. What have you put in those bags?" Hero says pointing at the bags

"All stuff we need. One has the snacks and the other is stuff for beach" I say defensively.

"Ok cool" he kisses the top of my head

Victoria beeps her horn, to signal she's outside. I put my handbag over my shoulder and I go to pick up the bags I've packed.

"I'll get these" Hero says grabbing both bags.

We head out of the apartment and over to Victoria's car. She opens the trunk as soon as she spots us.

Hero heads to the back of the car with the bags and I open the passenger door.

"Hey girl" Victoria says get in the car.

"Hey Vicki. Thanks for picking us up" I say

"No problem" she says with a smile

After putting our bags in the trunk, Hero opens the other passenger door and gets in.

"Hey Hero"  Victoria says

"Hi Victoria. Thank you for coming to get us" Hero says

"That's ok. Right, let's hit the beach!" Victoria says. She turns up the radio and she starts to drive.

We decide on Will Rogers state beach instead of Santa Monica in hope that it won't be as busy and away from the tourists.

Victoria parks up right in front of the beach. We get out the car, grab our stuff from the trunk and head on to the beach.

Luckily the beach isn't packed and we find a good spot. We lay out our picnic blankets and Victoria sets up her chair.

I text Hadley to let her know where we are on the beach. Within a few minutes Hadley and the others join us.



After an enjoyable morning at the beach we decide to head home.  Victoria drops us back at my apartment and we head inside. Hero puts the bags on the kitchen counter.

"I'm gonna have a shower and get rid of this sand" Hero says

"Want some company?" I say cheekily

"Hell yeah" he replies

He grabs my hand and leads me into the bathroom.

He turns the shower on to warm up. He turns back to me and kisses me passionately. His hands on each side of my face, holding me in place.

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