Chapter 15.

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*This chapter includes mature content*


I stand on tip-toe in order to deepen the kiss. I run my fingers through his hair as our tongues intertwine.

Hero moves my hair to one side as he fights to undo the zipper on my dress. I breakaway from our kiss and turn around. I hold my hair up and Hero undoes the zip with ease and I let my dress falls to the floor.

He spins me back round to face him and passionately kisses me again. I start unbuttoning this shirt, but I can't seem to unbutton it quick enough. Once totally unbuttoned, I slide the short off his shoulders and he then throws his shirt to the floor.

Hero lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his body. He walks us over to the bed and softly sets me down. I push the covers off the other side of the bed and let them fall onto the floor.

I crawl over the side of the bed where he stands. He removes his trousers and boxers as I remove my underwear and toss to the floor.

I reach up and put my arms around his neck. As he pulls me in for a kiss, I pull him down on to the bed. He climbs on top of me and he brushes my hair off of my face and looks at me.

"I've never wanted anyone, as much as I want you" he says softly. "I love you so much"

"I love you" I simply say back



I kiss her softly and as i lower myself on to her. I continue to hold her gaze as I enter her slowly.

He body reacts instantly as she lets out a little gasp. I move slowly, in and out of her. I kiss her softly and our tongues intertwine.

She spreads her legs further and I pick the pace. She wraps her arms under my shoulders.

Her back arches and her legs stiffen. I can tell she's about to come and I know him about to also.

With one final movement, we both reach our climax.

I roll on to my side next to her. Jo rolls on to her side and reaches up and turns off the light. She moves back and backs up into me. I wrap my arm around her and lace my fingers with hers.

"Night babe" I whisper to her and kiss the back of her neck.


I snuggle up to her, we spoon and we fall asleep.



I wake up and hear a knocking on the door. Shit, shit, I mutter to myself.

"Hero" I lightly shake him, "Hero, get up. Kianas at the door"

"What" he says sleepily

"The door, Kiana, us, naked" I say

"Shit" he says as he jumps out of bed.

"One moment K" I shouts out.

I throw on my pjs and Hero put on his boxers. He picks up his trousers, shirt and my dress off the floor and folds them on the back of the chairs that are around the table.

I then grab two pillows off the bed and throw them on the sofa by the window.

"What are you doing?" Hero asks me.

"Making it look like you slept on the sofa rather than in my bed. Unless you wanna tell everyone about us?" I say throwing him the sheet that was on top of the duvet.

"Ok, good point" he says catching the sheet and placing it on the sofa with the pillows and placing it as if he's slept there. He then sits down on the sofa and starts looking at his phone.

"Hey Kiana, how are you?" I says as I open the door. "Come in" i wave her In.

"I'm good, thanks" Kiana says as she walks into the room. "Oh hi Hero, I didnt know you where here. Did you stay here?"

"Yeah, er we were talking and it got late, so Jo said I could stay on the sofa" he tells her.

I feel bad that we're lying to our friends but we've decided to keep this between us for now.

"Ok. So, some of us thought it would be fun to have a tourist day together. You know, see some sites and that? Wanna come?" She says to me.

Kiana turns and faces Hero. "Your welcome to join too, Hero but I'm guessing you've been there, done that"

This is where I hate the lying. I wish I could just tell her that I would like to see some of London but that I would like Hero to show me.

"Thank you, Kiana for the invite but I've got some things to do today. You guys go and have fun" Hero says before I answer

"Cool. See you in the lobby in a hour" she says to me and heads out of my room.

As soon as the door shuts, I walk over to Hero on the sofa. He pulls me down on to his lap and i straddle him.

"What's up babe?" He says softly

"It's just that I wanted to see London with you" I say looking down and playing with cuffs of my pj top "Look, I know it sounds silly and childish"

"It's not silly. I would love nothing more than to show you London. There's so much to see, so I can still show you London. Ok" he tells me and lifts up my chin.

"Ok" I simply answer

"Ok" he says and kisses me. "So, tonight"

"Tonight, what?"

" mums invited us over dinner...if you wanna go?" Hero says sheepishly

"Sure. Sounds like fun! What time?" I ask

"Say 8. But honestly, if your if having fun with the Kiana and that. Feel free to stay out with them. My mum and I won't mind" Hero tells me

"No, I want to come. I'll be there" I say and I give him a quick peck on the lips.

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 7.30?" Hero says

"Hero, don't be silly. Text me the address and I'll meet you there. It's silly you coming to get me" I tell him.

"Ok. I'll better get going" Hero says and I climb off him.

He puts on his clothes. He takes my hand, as we walk towards the door.

"See you later babe" he bends down and kisses me

"See you later" I say as I open the door.

"Have fun today!" He says, he turns and leaves down the hallway.

I close the door, I head into the bathroom for a shower and to get ready for my day of sightseeing with Kiana, Castelle, Carter, Arielle and Rob.

Thanks for reading and hope you liked this chapter!


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