Chapter 30

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*This chapter includes mature content*

December 2021
(two days before Christmas)


I walk out the security doors at Heathrow airport with my cases in tow. I look scan the crowd of people waiting and I'm glad I remembered my glasses.

I smile when I see Hero waiting for me. A big grin appears across his face when he sees me.
I walk quickly towards him, as quick as my legs will take me without running.

When I get less than a metre away, I let go of my cases and jump into his arms. I wrap my legs around him and press my lips against his. He tightens his hold underneath my bottom, as he deepen the kiss.

For a few seconds it's like there is no one here but the two of us. Neither us seem to care if people see or notice us.

"Hi' I say as I breakaway from our kiss

"Hi. I've missed you so much" he says looking up at me

"I've missed you too. I'm so excited for the next few weeks" I say

"Me too" he says

Hero sets me down gently on the ground. He takes my hand with one hand and grabs one of my cases in the other. I grab the other case and we head out of the terminal and to a waiting cab.



We get back to mine after being stuck in traffic on the motorway. I place both of Jo's cases by the stairs.

"Do you want..." I start to say but get interrupted by Jo's lips crashing against mine

Her kiss is full of want, need and passion. She slides my jacket off my shoulders.

"I want you" she says and she removes my jacket completely

"Ok" I simply say and kiss her

I lift up her sweater and throw it to the floor. I move my hands all over her back as we kiss.

She reaches for my T-shirt and I help her remove it over my head. I discard my T-shirt on the floor with her sweater.

Our lips reconnect and our tongues intertwine.
She tugs on my sweatpants and then pulls them down completely. I step out of them.

I unbutton her jeans and she kicks them off. I spin us around and lay her on the stairs. I lean down on top of her and kiss her again.

I remove her pants and then I remove my boxers. I lift her up and move her up a few stairs. I kneel down in front of her. She gasps as I then enter her. I kiss her and swallow her moans.

She spreads her legs wider and I thrust in and out her. She lifts her hips to meet me. God I've missed her so much

I pick up the pace and hold on to her knees, to be able get in deeper. She starts to moan louder and she digs her nails into my back. I know shes close and so I am.

After a few hard and deep thrusts, her body responds and she moans my name. I thrust a few more times and then I come inside her.

"I love you" I say and lean down and kiss her

"I love you" she says back and she runs her hand through my hair.

"I can't believe we just did that" I say, laughing in disbelief

"I know. I think I have carpet burns on my back" Jo says

"Yeah I think my knees are little raw too. But totally worth it" I say cheekily

"Totally" she says giggling and she pulls me closer to her and kisses me again.



I make us dinner while Jo is upstairs taking a nap. I'm looking forward to the next four weeks. We will be together over Christmas and New Years for the first time.

"Hey" Jo walks over me and puts her arms around me while I'm cooking.

I turn round and say. "Hey"  I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead. "Did you have a nice nap"

"Yeah I did, thanks" she stands on top-toe and pecks me on the lips softly

"Do you want any help?" She adds

"Nope, it's all under control. Thank you" I guide to the breakfast bar

"Now, take a seat, pour yourself some wine and relax" I add

I finish cooking the chicken pasta dish I've made and empty it into two bowls and walk over to the breakfast bar. I put a bowl in front of Jo and sit down on the next bar stool with my bowl.

"Looks yummy, thanks " she says smiling at me

"We'll tuck in then" I say back

Jo hands me a glass of wine and holds her glass up in the air

"Cheers" she says

"Cheers" I say back and clink the glasses.

I take a sip and tuck into the pasta.

"Oh Felix text and said he's having a kinda Christmas party tomorrow night at his place, do you wanna go?" I ask

"Yeah sure of course. Why type of party is it?" She asks

"What do you mean?" I ask back and then eat another spoonful of pasta

"Like I'm guessing it's a frat boy type party not a sit down dinner type party." She says giggling

"Yeah more frat boy. It's that ok?" I say laughing

"Yeah it cool. I just wanna know what type of clothes to wear that's all" she says and take another spoonful of pasta

"You could wear anything and you will look beautiful" I tell her

"That's not true but thank you" she says and leans in a kisses me

I reach over and squeeze her hand and think to myself, that I'm lucky to her back in my life and this time I'm not letting her go.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Can't believe my little story is at just over 4K reads.

Thanks to everyone who is reading my story and voting for the chapters.


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