Chapter 36.

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I've enjoyed the last few days, spending time in London with Hero and his family over Christmas. But I'm super excited for the next few days, as we're spending New Years Eve in Perth my family.

The pilot announces that we're on our final decent into Perth. It's been a long 20 odd hours but I can't wait to see my parents. 

I look over at Hero and he's fast asleep. I lean over and gently wake him but tapping his shoulder.

He rubs his eyes and then smiles at me. I start to move my hand away and he grabs its softly. He lifts it up to his face and then he kisses the back on my hand lightly and then lets go.

"What was that for?" I ask

"No reason" he shrugs and answers

I smile at him and he smiles back.  I then adjust my seat and place my things into my hand luggage bag and prepare for landing.

Moments later we land and I suddenly feel a wave of emotion come over me. This is the first time in almost two years that I've been able to be back in Perth and see my family.

Once the plane lands, I grab my bag and head towards the exit. When I get to the walkway,  Hero holds out his hand and I take it and we head towards passport control.



It's seems like the cab ride to my parents is taking longer than normal. I rest my head on Heros shoulders. He reaches for my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.

The cabs finally pulls up to my parents house. I unbuckle my seatbelt and exit the cab. Hero and I head to the trunk to get our cases.

Hero hands me my case, as the cab driver gets  Hero's case out of the trunk. Hero thanks and pays the cab driver.

I wheel my case up the pathway, with Hero behind me. I take a deep breath and knock on the door.  The door instantly opens and I know my mum has been waiting for us to arrive.

"My little darling Josephine" my mum says as she sees me.

She pulls me in for a hug and a tear falls down my cheek. She holds me tightly, wow I've really missed this.

She breaks away from the hug, she places her hands on the side of my face and looks at me.

"What's a matter honey" she says as she wipes away a tear

"I've just missed you so much" I say and hug her again.

My dad then comes to the door.

"Hi dad" I say, as I hug him.

His hug is just as tight as my mums. He kisses the top of my head.

I then realise that Hero is just standing there .

"Oh sorry, mum, dad. This is Hero" I say as I introduce them

"Hello, nice to meet you, Mrs Langford" Hero says

"Call me Liz, please" my mum says to him as she pulls him in for a hug. "So nice to finally meet you Hero"

My dad then walks over to Hero.  "Nice to meet you son. I'm Stephen" my dad says as he shakes Heros hand.

"Nice to meet you Stephen" Hero says back.

I look at them and smile. Hero is always such a gentleman and so polite.

"Come in, come in" my mum says.

My dad takes my case and we follow my mum to my old room.

"Ive made up the bed and made some room in the wardrobe, so you can hang up your clothes. There's also some room in the chest of drawers over there" my mum says

"Thanks mum" I say.

My dad places my case next to the wardrobe and I take Heros case from him and place it next to mine.

"Right. Do you want anything? A drink or something to eat?" My mum says.

"I'm ok thank you Liz" Hero says

"I'm ok thanks, mum" I say and I put my arm round her shoulder.

"I'm so glad you two could come here" my mum smiles at us both. "I want to hear all about what you did whist in London and over Christmas" my mum adds

We walk into the lounge and sit down. We talk about what we did last week in London and what my parents did over Christmas.

Talk then moves on to Hero and I. I hate talking about myself, but seeing Hero talk about us and seeing his face light up, makes me smile.



Jo and I, decide to unpack and take a nap before dinner. We head into the bedroom. I close the door.

"Your parents are so lovely" I say to Jo, as I lift the cases on to bed.

"They like you too" Jo tells me, as she opens her case.

"I hope so" I say and I open my case.

"Why wouldn't they? What's there not too love" she tells me

I walk over to her, I place my hand under her chin and kiss her softly.

"I love you too" I say and walk back round to my case.

Jo smiles at me. Wow I love her smile.

She then opens the wardrobe and starts hanging up her clothes. She hands me some hangers.

She places her underwear in the top drawer of the chest of drawers.

"Can you pass me your underwear, so I can put in the drawer" she asks

"Thank you" I say and hand her my underwear.

After all our stuff is hung up. Jo places our cases in the corner of the room.

Jo walks back to the dresser, she pulls out a pair of shorts. She takes off her jeans and puts on the shorts. She takes off her jumper but leaves her vest top on.  I then take off my joggers and my t shirt.

We lay on top of the sheets, as it's warm. She lays on her side, with her back to me and curls up her legs. I scoot over to her and I place my arm around her waist.

She places her arm around mine and takes hold of my hand. I kiss the side of neck. And we fall asleep.

Thanks to everyone who's read this chapter and my previous chapters. I hope you're all still enjoying my little story!

Let me know your thoughts. All comments welcome.

Thanks for all the votes/comments on my previous chapters.


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