Chapter 29

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We sit outside the little coffee shop we've come to for breakfast. I pick at my empty paper coffee cup, deep in thought.

It's Heros last day in LA and I can't believe how quick the last 5 days have gone. Hero reaches for my hand and gives my hand a little squeeze

"What's up" he asks

I look up at him "Nothing, just thinking" I say and smile at him.

"You sure?" He asks 

"Yeah" I nod  "Honestly I'm good" I say

I can't believe it's almost time to say goodbye to Hero again. We've only managed to spend a few days together this time, as we both have work commitments.

We still have a few hours together until I have drop him off at the airport. So I try to stop thinking about it and enjoy the time we have left.

"Let's head back" Hero suggests

"Ok sure" I say

Hero takes my hand and we walk back to the rental car.



We get back to Jo's apartment and I can sense something is off with Jo. She has been unusually quiet this morning.

I follow her into the lounge and sit next to her on the sofa and take her hand in mine.

"Babe, what's a matter? You've been really quiet today" I ask

"Sorry" she simply says

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm just worried about you" I say my voice full of concern

"Honestly I'm ok......I'm just sad that you're leaving today......Plus I'm due on my period and I think I'm just a bit more emotional and sensitive, that's all....Thank you for asking and thank you for caring" she tells me and pecks me on the lips

"You don't need to thank me. I care about you alot and I'm here if you want to talk about anything that's on your mind" I smile at her.

"I don't want to leave either but I have to. Next time we will have longer together" I add

"I know and I can't wait to spend Christmas with you in London and then New Years with you in Perth" she tells me, her face begins to light up

"Me neither. We will have 4 weeks together without work or anything getting in the way. We just have to get through the next 6 weeks" I say

I'm looking forward to going to Australia with Jo but also slightly nervous as I'll be meeting her parents face to face for the first time.

I've spoken to them before over the phone and over zoom, but something about meeting in person is a little more daunting.

This is the first time I'll be officially meeting  'the parents' of a girlfriend.  Other so called  'girlfriends' that Ive had, I was always friends with them first, so I had already met their parents.

I sit back on the sofa and Jo cuddles up to me and I put my arm around her. She leans her head on my shoulder and I rest my head on her head.



I check my phone is fully charged as I need it for my boarding pass. I check my bag and make sure that I have everything packed and make sure that I have my passport.

I head back into the lounge with my bag and jacket. Jo is asleep on the sofa, I walk over to the sofa and I gently wake her.

"I've gotta get going to the airport now, so I'm gonna call an uber" I say

"No, no. I'll take you. I still have the rental car remember" she says rubbing her eyes and sitting up

"Are you sure babe? I don't mind getting a cab" i tell her. I rest my hand on her back and stroke her back with thumb

"Yeah, just let me just splash my face with some water and i'll be good to go" she looks at me and smiles

"Ok" I say

She gets up, she then leans down and pecks me the lips softly. She then heads out of the lounge and into the bathroom.

I grab my stuff together and put on my jacket. Jo walks back into the lounge and she puts on her coat and grabs her keys.

I take her hand and we head out the door and to the car.



Getting to the airport only takes about 30 mins as there's not much traffic on the freeway.

I pull up at the drop off section and turn off the engine. Hero turns to me and places his hands on each side of my face and kisses me passionately.

He breaks away from our embrace and places his hand on top of my hands. He looks at me and I give him my best sad puppy dog face.

"Aw don't look at me like that. It's breaking my heart" he tells me and places his hand over his heart

"I wish you could of stayed longer that's all" I tell him

"Me too. But we both have work and we were lucky to squeeze in these last few days. But next time we'll have a whole month together and i cant wait" Hero says

"I know, me neither. I'm so excited to show you my home town and for you to finally meet my parents" I say with a smile

Hero reaches up to my face and rubs my cheek.

"A smile, that's better." He smiles back at me "I know, I'm excited to go to Perth and meet your family and friends" he adds

Hero checks his watch. "Shit I better go" he says and leans in and kisses me.

He turns away from me and goes to open the car door. I grab his collar and pull him back towards me and I steal one final kiss.

"I love you" I say and I lean back in the car seat

"I love you and I'll see you again soon" Hero says and gets out of the car.

I watch him walk away and disappear in to the airport. I then start the car and head home.

Thanks for reading my new chapter.

Sorry it was posted a few days late but hope you enjoyed it!


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