Chapter 6.

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*This chapter includes mature content*


When I open my eyes, I'm pleased to find that Jo is still in my bed and in my arms. I bend down and kiss her forehead and she stirs.

"Morning" I say softly to her and I kiss her softly on the lips

"Morning" she says still half asleep. "What time is it" she asks

"9.15. We've still got a few hours until we have to be at the airport for our flight to L.A" I say and give her a wink.

"Oh, a few hours you say" she says cheekily and she rolls on top of me and straddles me.

She bends down and kisses me. She runs her tongue across my lips. I become hard beneath her and she lowers herself on to me.

She starts rocking her hips. I place my hands on her the top of her thighs. She places her hands on my shoulders and she starts to rock faster.

I look up at her and she looks amazing and her skin is glistening. I reach up and caress her breasts. She bites her bottom lip. I swear, she will be the death of me.

I grab her and roll her onto her back. I sit on my knees, I lift her legs up and rest them on each shoulder. I hold on to her legs, as I thrust faster and faster. I then pull out and release my self over her stomach.

I lean up to her face. "I'll run you a bath" I say and give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Run us a bath" she replies.

I head into the bathroom.  I squeeze the entire small bottle bubble bath into the bath and within minutes the bubbles have taken over.

"What the fuck"  Jo says and laughs, as she walks into the bathroom

"Er, I think I got a bit carried away"

"You think" she says giggling at the mountain of bubbles that have erupted.

I fan some bubbles away and climb in. I pat the water for her to join. She climbs into the bath and sits in between my legs. She rests her head on my chest and I put my arms around her.

We sit peacefully like this until our fingers start to go wrinkly from the water.

We get out of the bath and head back into the room.

"Shit" Jo exclaims

"What" I reply

"I have no clean clothes here. And I'm not running down to my my room in just this towel! People will see me"  she says and walks over to her dress on the floor

"Just put your dress back on and run down. I mean it's long enough so you won't have to worry about underwear "  I advise.

She looks at me and nods.

I sit on the end of the bed and watch as her as she gets dressed.

She walks over to me, kisses me softly.

"See you later" she says and leaves the room.


We make our way to the airport but sadly we aren't alone. Both Hero's and my managers are with us in the cab. We're off to LA for some meetings and then the premier of "After We Fell"

We're lucky that no paparazzi at the airport notice us and we make our way swiftly to the airport lounge.

Hero sits opposite me and we don't stop smiling at each other. I look down and try to read the magazine I picked up.

If my manager knew there was something between us again, we'd have so many rules set upon us. Plus there's something sexy about no one knowing, like a proper secret affair.

When we're in LA, we should be able to get more privacy. Even though Hero's manager booked him a hotel room, I'm hoping that he'll choose to stay with me. My roommate is away on location filming, so we will have the place to ourselves.

We board the plane. I was meant to be sitting next to my manager during the flight. But somehow Hero managed to get my manager to agree to swap seats with him.

I take the window seat and place my bag on the floor. Hero takes his seat and smiles at me. During the flight we keep exchanging stolen glances.

I reach for the blanket and lay it over my legs. I look over at our management and they are in deep conversation. I reach for Hero's hand and drag it under the blanket quickly, he intertwines his fingers in mine and rests our hand on my lap.

I look out the window of the plane. I remember that only a few days ago, I was doing the same thing but this time I look out with a strong feeling of happiness.

I turn back towards Hero, I rest my head on his shoulders and close my eyes for a nap.



As we make our way out of the airport. I feel a slight sadness come over me. I have a hotel room booked while I'm here in LA and Jo is staying at her place.

We decided to keep up the pretence that we're just friends. Its easier that way. So that when we're together, there won't be so many rules to adhere to. Plus we don't quite know how far this is going to go. So we agreed to take it day by day.

Due to our contracts, we can't show that there is anything more than a professional working relationship. So I couldn't exactly tell my manager that I'd rather stay with Jo than an lonely hotel room.

We say our quick goodbyes and go our separate ways. Jo heads off in a cab with her manager and I head off in another cab with mine.

I walk into my hotel room, i look around it and it feels so empty. I order room service and jump in the shower.

I eat my food while flicking through the tv channels. I leave it on BBC America for background noise.

I place my room service trolley outside my door and decide to get an early nite. The earlier I go asleep the sooner I can meet up with Jo.

As I lay in bed my phone buzzes. I pick up my phone and see it's a message from Jo. I can't unlock my phone quick enough.

"Wish you were here with me x" she simply says.

"Me too. Miss you. Night babe x" I reply

"Night babe xx" she replies back.

I close my eyes and sleep comes quickly.

————————————————————— Thanks for reading another chapter!

Hope your enjoying my story! :)


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