Chapter 8.

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I wake up bright and early and head downtown for the screen test. I'm feeling confident but I don't wanna come across as too confident.

The drive across town seems to take ages. LA traffic at times can be a nightmare, well that's what the driver tells me. Reminds me of the all the traffic in London to be honest. There is so much traffic in central London.

Luckily, I get to the meeting on time. I was panicking for a moment that I was going to be late and that it would ruin my chance of getting the part.

I walk into the room that they set up for today. There is 2 people sitting in front of tv screens. I recognise them from my meeting yesterday, the casting director and the director.

I walk to where a lady shows me to stand. The director then tells me to start whenever I'm ready. I take a deep breath, to try and calm my nerves.


The screen test goes well, well I think it went well. The feedback I got from the director was really positive. He was basically saying I had the part and that the casting director would be in touch. So fingers crossed.

As I head back to my hotel. I decide to call Jo and see if she's free to hang out later.

"Hey babe" I says as she answers

"Hi. What times your meeting today?" She asks

"Just on my way back actually. I think it went really well. They said I should find out soon"

"Cool. I'm sure your'll get the part" she says .

"Thanks. How's your morning been?"

"Yeah Ok, Im just off the gym in bit with Victoria" she tells me

"Cool. Are you still free for me to come over tonight?" I ask

"Well I'm meant to meeting up with his really hot guy tonight.........but I guess i could cancel" she jokes

"Haha, very funny" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"What time do you wanna come over? I can cook us some dinner and maybe we could watch a movie or something" she suggests

"Sounds great. Be over about 7?" I suggest

"Great. See you then" she says

"See you later babe" 

Our conversation ends just as I get back to my hotel. When I get back to my room I order some lunch and chill out for a bit before having a shower and changing my clothes for tonight.



I get back from the gym and supermarket, a little after 2. I put away the things I brought for tonight. I decided I'm going to make us dinner tonight and i also brought some snacks in case we watch a movie.

I decide to have a quick tidy up before Hero comes over tonight. My apartment is pretty clean and tidy but there's nothing wrong with giving it the quick once over.

I then jump in the shower, wash my hair and give my legs a quick shave.

I get dressed and decide to tie my in a messy bun and put on a little bit of make up to smooth out my skin.

I head to the kitchen and get a start on making dinner. I've decided to make spaghetti bolognese as it's quick and easy. I put the water on for the pasta and start frying the mince.

The doorbell goes and makes me jump. I look in the the mirror and have a final check on how I look, as I walk over to the door. I open the door with a smile on face.

Hero is standing there looking so gorgeous. It's weird, even after knowing him for years now, I still get excited and nervous when I see him.

"Hey" i say, as I hold the door open.

"Hey babe" he replies. He walks in and gives me a quick little kiss, as he passes me.

We head into the kitchen. I add the veggies to the mince and add the spaghetti to the water.

"Anything I can help you with?" Hero asks

"Yeah, can you open that bottle of red wine please?" I say pointing the merlot on the kitchen counter

Hero opens the wine and pours two glasses and hand me one

"Cheers" he says

"Cheers" I say as we clink our glasses

I finish making the dinner and then plate it up. We walk over to the table and enjoy our meal.



After we've finished dinner, we walk into the lounge and walk over to the sofa.

"I've got us some snacks. I've got popcorn, some m&ms and yes I have flamin' hot Cheetos!" I say as show the little picnic I've laid out for us, while we watch some movies.

Although I think I've gone overboard with the food, as i'm full from dinner.

Hero picks a film from Netflix for us to watch first. We don't really see much of the movie. As we spend most of the time time taking and laughing. Hero tells me all about his meeting earlier today and that he should know by tomorrow if he had the part.

Hero looks for another film to put on, while I use the bathroom. When I'm come back, Hero is lying down on the sofa. I grab a blanket and snuggle up to him

When the movie starts, I'm glad to find out that he's chosen one of my favourites, 'Mr & Mrs Smith'. We have seen this film together a few times now but it never gets old.


The movie finishes and before I speak, I know that Jo has fallen asleep. I slide out from under her and climb off the sofa, trying not to wake her.

I softly scoop her up in arms and her head falls on to my shoulders. I carry her into the bedroom and carefully place her in the bed.

I take off my jeans and T-shirt and climb into the other side of the bed. I snuggle up to Jo and put my arm around her and fall asleep.

————————————————————— Thanks for continuing to read my story:)


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