Chapter 20

521 31 2

~September 2021~


I can't wait to see Hero today. It's been just over a month since I left the UK.

We've spoken every day, either over the phone or via text message and video called almost every couple of days.

I'm glad I have Hadley living with me to keep me sane. If I was living on my own I think I would go crazy missing him.  Hadley and work have kept me busy and my mind of missing him.

I check my phone quickly to see if he has messaged me. He said he would text me as soon as he lands.

I finish getting changed and touch up my make up. Just as I finish putting on my lipgloss, there's a knock at the door.

"Hadley, did you forget your keys again" I say as I approach the door.

I open the door and see Hero standing at the doorway, holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers.

"Hi" I say with the biggest grin on my face. "Oh my god, are they for me? I ask

"Er actually they're for Hadley, is she in?" Hero replies and looks around behind me.

The smile on face instantly drops.  Hero must notice this as, he quickly adds  "I'm joking. Of course they're for you babe".

He hands me the big bouquet of flowers. "You're so cute when you pout" he says with a smile. He places his hand on my chin and leans in for a kiss.

I admire the flowers, as he follows me into the kitchen to get a vase for them. The flowers are so pretty. There's a mix of dark pink germini, light pink roses, white alstroemerias and some green bell.

"Thank you so much for the flowers. They're beautiful" I say and kiss Hero on the cheek and place them on the table.

"You're welcome" he says.

He comes over, stands behind me and puts he hands around my waist and I rest my head on his chest. He starts kissing my neck. I reach my arm up and run my fingers through his hair.

He continues to kiss and nip at my neck, as he dips his hand into the waistband of my trousers. Just as he moves his hand lower, there's a noise at the door.

"Shit. That'll be Hadley" I say

Hero removes his hand from my trousers and moves and stands beside to me.

The door open and Hadley enters the room. "Hi guys"

She walks over and hugs Hero. "Hey man, how you been?" She asks Hero

"Good, thank you. And you?"

"Yeah, great thanks" Hadley replies. "I'll  erm leave you two alone to er catch up" she says and heads to her room.

Hero turns to me "That was close. If she had walked in a few minutes later"

"God, I don't wanna think about that" I say

"She's not just gonna sit in her room all night, is she?" Hero asks, pointing towards our bedrooms.

"I guess" I say unsure

"That's just stupid. Ask her if she wants to join us for dinner" Hero says to me

"This is one of the reasons why I love you. You're always thinking of others" I say.

I kiss him on the lips and head towards Hadley's room.



I wake up and roll over and am surprised to see I'm alone in the bed. I get up and throw on a T-shirt and head into the kitchen.

"Morning babe. Do you want some tea or coffee?"  Jo asks

"Coffee please" I reply "Why didn't you wake me?" I ask

"You looked so peaceful. And I thought you might be a bit jet lagged, so I thought I'd let you sleep it off" Jo says as she hands me some coffee.

"Thanks" I say taking the mug of coffee and sit at the table.

Jo joins me at the table with her own mug of coffee.

"So I was thinking we could go up to the observatory and take a little picnic"  Jo suggests

"Sure. You know I like a picnic"  I say with a smile.

"Great. I'll get a start on it" Jo says and gets out of her seat.

"I'm just gonna jump in the shower"  I say

Jo heads back into the kitchen and I head to the bathroom.



We find a spot on the grass in front of the observatory and I lay out the blanket and we sit down.

I start taking out the items I've packed up in my tote bag. I lay out the biscuits, mixed cheeses, grapes, strawberries and chocolate.

I hand Hero the small bottle of wine, for him to open. He opens the wine and pours into the little plastic cups.

Hero laughs when he spots the Toblerone on the platter.

"I had to include it. I got it especially for you yesterday at whole foods" I say

"Thanks" he says with a smile "This little spread brings back memories"  Hero says.

I smile at him. "I'm surprised that you remember it" I say

"Of course I remember. We had a little picnic, met some chickens" Hero says, laughing as he mentions the chickens

I smile and look at the ground. I have really fond memories of that day.

We eat most of the food and drink all of the wine.  As the grassy area in front of the observatory starts getting busier, we decide to head back.



We had planned to go out to a restaurant for dinner tonight but decided to stay as we have the place to ourselves.

Hadley decided to stay at a mates house for a few days to give us time alone together. Jo and I told her she didn't have to do that, but she insisted.

After dinner, we head into the lounge and lay on the sofa, snuggling. I stroke Jo hair as we watch a true crime documentary on Netflix.

After the first episode finishes I look down at Jo and to no surprise, she is fast asleep. I kiss the top of her head and tighten my grip around her slightly and carrying on watching the tv.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Thank you all for reading my story and thank you for all the votes!

Keep safe everyone!


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