Chapter 31

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Christmas Eve


I hear Jo get up and start getting ready. This morning she's going shopping with my mum and she's really looking forward to it.

I head downstairs to start making breakfast. Moments later Jo comes downstairs.

"Morning babe. I'm making some toast if want some?" I ask

"Yeah, that'll be great thanks" She says and sits at the breakfast bar

"You sure you wanna hit the shops with my mum today?" I ask her and hand her a plate with two small slices of buttered toast

"Yeah, why? Your mums great" She says and takes a bite of toast

I put two more slices of bread in the toaster.

"Yeah, no it's just my mum and shops......they don't mix" i say walking over to the breakfast bar and place down the two mugs of tea I've made.

"What do you mean?" She says. She takes another bite of the toast and then a sip of the hot tea.

"Nevermind. I'll guess you'll find out" i tell her and laugh to myself.

"Well, I think we're gonna have a great time" Jo says with a smile .

"I'm sure you will" i say buttering the toast.

I plate up my toast and walk over to the breakfast table and sit next to Jo and we finish our breakfast.



After a few hours of shopping with Martha, she takes me for afternoon tea that she booked as a surprise for us.

We sit down at a table, with all our shopping bags around us. The waiter hands a little menu with so many teas to choose from.

"I never knew there so many different teas" I tell her

"Darling, there's 100s but I don't think you can beat a good old English breakfast tea or an Earl Grey" she says

"Noted" I say and we both laugh

The waiter takes out tea order and then a lady comes over with our food.

She sets down the three tiered stand. There's a mix of sandwiches and two mini cheese and chive tarts on the first tier, scones and strawberry jam on the second tier and a selection of little cakes on the top tier

The waiter then comes back bringing over two pots of tea and two little jugs of milk. The teapots are so beautifully decorated with flowers.

"Wow, this looks amazing Martha, thank you for planning this" I say

"Your welcome my dear" she says

I reach for my phone and take pictures of the food and I send it to Hero. I then put my phone back down on the table.

Martha takes a sandwich from the bottom tier and I copy her and place it on my plate.

"So are you looking forward to spending Christmas here?" She asks

"Definitely. Thank you for inviting us over for Christmas Day" I say

"You're welcome anytime hun" she says with a smile

"Thank you" I say and smile back

We tuck into our afternoon tea and talk about our plans over Christmas and New Years.

After our afternoon tea we head to the bar for a few drinks before heading into a cab and back to Heros.



I knock on Heros door but get no answer so I knock a little louder.

"Maybe he's in the toilet" Martha says and she knocks again but this time twice as loud and twice as fast.

"God he'll be ages" I say and we both laugh

The door then opens and when Heros sees us, he shakes his head.

"Have you two been drinking?" He says looking between the both of us

"Ooh just a glass or two or four of Prosecco" Martha tells Hero and then laughs. She walks into the house

"Great" Hero says as she walks past him

"Oh don't be a Debbie downer" I say to him and stand on top toe and peck him on the lips

I walk into the house and into the lounge where Martha is sitting on the sofa with her arms and legs spread out.

I put my bags down and sit on the other sofa and kick off my shoes.

Hero follows us into the lounge. "I'll make some coffee for the both of you" he says and heads into the kitchen

"Oh no, looks like I'm in trouble" Martha says

"He'll be ok. Thanks again for today, I had fun" I tell Martha

"Me too. We must do it again soon" she says with a smile.

Hero walks back into the lounge moments later and hands us both a mug of black coffee each.

"Drink up" he tells us both. He then sits down next to me on the sofa.

"How are you going to do all the Christmas prep in that state" Hero scolds his mum

"Hero!"  I say to him in sight shock.

"Look son, I've made Christmas dinner many times now. I'll drink this coffee and then I'll head home and start. Plus I have Mercy helping me" she says with a smile and then take a big gulp of coffee

"Sorry mum. So what did you two buy then?" He asks us

"Just some bits. Ooh and I got a nice little black leather skirt, that I'll think I'll wear tonight" I tell Hero rummaging through the bags to find it.

"Don't worry, you can show me later. Drink the coffee" he instructs.

I catch Marthas eye and she laughs into her coffee. I look down and take a sip of my coffee

"You two are acting like naughty school kids" Hero says

"Sorry son" Martha says and she finishes her coffee. "Right. I better get going" Martha says looking at her watch

"Let me order you an Uber" Hero says and gets up and gets his phone.

I get up from the sofa and hug Martha goodbye.

"If you want any help with anything tomorrow just let us know" I tell her

"I won't have you doing anything. You are a guest. All you need to do is show up" she tells me

Hero walks back into the room. "Ubers here mum" he says

She goes to grab her shopping bags. "I'll get those mum" Hero says and picks up her bags

Martha kisses me on the cheek. "She you tomorrow hun" she says and heads out to her cab.

Hero puts her bags in the trunk and waves her off. He comes back into the house and into the lounge.

I walk up to him and put my arms around him and hug him.

"What's that for?" He asks

"No reason, I just wanted a hug" I say.

He pulls me closer, he kisses the top of my head and we stand there, hugging.


Thanks for reading another chapter and for reading my previous chapters.

Hope you're all still enjoying my story!


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