Chapter 11

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He looks at me. "You don't have to say anything right now. I just wanted you to know how I feel" he says

I take his hand. "I love you" I say looking into his eyes. "I never stopped loving you Hero. I think that no matter what, I will always love you"

He leans over, gives me a little soft kiss and sits back down. 

"I know this all seems to be happening so fast. But I feel like we're continuing from where we kinda left off and if you want to slow things down I'll understand" he says looking down, playing with the piece of pizza on the plate

I reach over and lift up his chin up "Hero, I feel like I don't wanna waste anymore time. I want to be with you and I'm sorry I messed things up before" i say holding his gaze.

I lean over and give him a quick little kiss. "Mmm, you taste like pizza" I say and laugh

"Well, we are eating pizza, duh" Hero says and we both laugh.

He takes another bite out of his pizza.  I smile at him and grab another slice myself.

I love how comfortable we are in each other's company, like we don't even have to try.



I wake up in Jos bed with Jo in my arms. I tighten my arms around her a bit and kiss the top of her head.

We lay like this for a few minutes more until Jo begins to stir.

"Morning babe" I say

"What time is it?" She asks rubbing her eyes.

"A little after 9am"  i say as I check the time on my phone.

She buries her head into my chest. I pull her closer to me. I could stay like all day.

We lay in bed and in each other's arms, relaxing in the moment and enjoying the calm. I wish we could wake up like this everyday.

Today is the last full day that we have to ourselves for a while. Tomorrow we're off to Paris for the European premiere and then off to London for the UK premiere.

I'm looking forward to the London premiere. It's the first time that I'm able to invite some of my friends and family to the event and it's my home town.

But I'm also nervous. I haven't told my mum  that I'm back with Jo yet. I know my mum will be happy for me and she got on well with Jo before but she also knows how down I was after our break up.

I decide that I will tell her as soon I can, when I'm back in London. I want us all to be able to spend time together after the premiere.

"What do you wanna do today" Jo asks me

"This" I say and pull her closer to me.

I look down at her and she reaches up an kisses me. I roll her over so that she is underneath me. I softly brush her hair away from her face and kiss her again.

We then have sex. So soft and sensual. Nothing like the sex we've recently been having, we make love.



While Jo is in the shower, I decide to order us something for breakfast we'll brunch as it's now after 12.

I find a little local bakery online that delivers and I order some pastries and two coffees. They arrive just as jo walks into the kitchen.

"Aw, babe" she says eyeing the treats. She ruffles my hair and kisses my cheek. She takes the little brown bags from me and heads to the table.

Once we've sat down,  she slides over one bags and I hand her a coffee in return. She takes her almond croissant out of her bag and takes a bite.

"Good" I ask

She nods. Once she's swallowed her bite she answers "So good. Thanks for getting these"

"No problem" I reply and tuck into my croissant.

Once we've finished our breakfast. I grab the rubbish and put it in bin.

Jo jumps out of her seat and says "Oh I know what we can do. Well you don't have to but it's just an idea. A bit like old times, you could say" She heads into her room.

When she comes back she has something behind hiding her back.

"Ta-da!" As she says this, she waves a box left to right. I then notice it's a puzzle. I let out a little laugh.

"Sure, why not" I reply

"I got this for secret Santa this year from one of the girls" she says as she tips the puzzle pieces into the table.

We did lot of puzzles while filming after we collided, it sorta became our thing.

I lift up the lid and take a closer look at the picture on the box. It's of us, it's one of the posters for after we collided, the shower one. I let out a little laugh.

"I know, so funny right. Apparently you can order all kinds of things online" Jo says

"I think it's kinda cool. I mean I've never been on a puzzle before " I reply

We both laugh. I move a chair closer to Jo and we start the puzzle.



We finally finish the puzzle after a few hours.  So weird seeing our faces on a puzzle. When it's completed both Hero and I take a picture of it.

I think to myself that I may get it framed. Which I realise is a little cheesy but I don't care.

I find something to put the puzzle on and slide the puzzle into it with Hero's help and I carry into my room and place it on my chest of drawers.

I check the time and decide to make us a nice meal. It will be a few days until we get a home cooked meal again.

Hero offers to help me with the dinner. I will miss this kinda thing, when he's back in England. I push that thought to the back of the mind and just enjoy the moment.

Hero lays the table and lights some candles. I tell him that there's wine in the fridge. He grabs  a bottle and grabs two wine glasses from the cupboard.

We have a lovely dinner and then sit on the sofa for awhile, snuggling up together.

At 9pm, Hero heads back to his hotel. If he's not there again in the morning at breakfast people might start asking questions.

I head back into my bedroom and start packing my cases for Paris and London. I pack light for Paris as we only have 3 days there.

We're meant to be in London for 3 days also, but I plan to stay a few more days, so I can spend some more time with Hero. Though I've yet to tell my manager that I plan to change my return flight.

Once my cases are packed, I wheel them to doorway. I head back to my bedroom and slide into bed.

I text Hero 'Goodnight'. Set my alarm and close my eyes

Thanks for reading!

Hope your all still enjoying my story ;)


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