Chapter 10.

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*This chapter includes mature content*


We've been at the party for about an hour or so and I've Barely had any time with Hero. It's selfish of me to want him to myself but I can't help it. I feel like a lovesick school girl.

I see him to talking to Chance and walk over to join them. Chance is good friends with Hero, they knew each other before filming. He also knows about our past relationship.

"Hey girl" he says as I walk up to them and then pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey Chance" I say back. The three of us chat for a while and reminisce about the fun times we spent on set together in Bulgaria and about the 24th floor.

Hero then looks at me with a devilish grin on his face. He leans into me and whispers in my ear.  "I want you to go into the bathroom and take off your panties and had them to me"

I look at him in shock. Did he really just say that. I mouth the word "what". He nods and I shake my head.

Kiana walks over to us and turns to me, "Hi guys. Can I borrow Jo few a minutes, there's someone I want you to meet"

"Sure" . I say and she links my arm and leads me across the room,



I head to the restroom to get a moment to myself. That's the thing about after parties, everyone wants to talk to you about the movie, what you have coming up etc and I just get so overwhelmed at times.

I put the toilet seat lid down, I sit down and take a few deep breathes. As I'm taking a moment to myself, I remember what Hero suggested.

I think it over. I flip-flip over doing it and not doing it. I decide I'm gonna do it. He would never expect me to actually do it. I slide my underwear off and fold them up and place them in my bag.

I stand up and brush my dress down. I'm glad I decided to wear a floor length dress tonight. I open the stall door, I wash my hands and head out of the bathroom.

I walk out and over to the bar where I spot Hero standing. He's talking to Stephen and his wife Anna.

"Hi Josephine" Stephens says as I approach the bar. "I'd like to you meet my wife, Anna"

"Hi Anna, I'm Jo" I say as I shake her hand.

"Hi, it's lovely to meet you" she says

"What are you guys drinking" Stephen asks Hero and I.

Anna suggests that all we do shots and a Stephen turns towards the bar and orders 4 tequilas.

As Stephen orders our drinks. I turn to Hero and I place my underwear in his trouser pocket. He looks at me and then puts his hand in his pocket. He pulls out the fabric and then quickly stuffs it back in his pocket, realising what it is.

He looks at me in disbelief , "I knew you didn't think I actually do it" I whisper to him

Stephens turn back around towards us and hands us each a shot.

"Ready. 3,2,1" he says and we all down the shot and then bite a lemon.

Stephen spots an old friend and asks to be excused from our company.

Hero turns to me and says "Lets get outta here"

I nod, I follow Hero out of the party and into a waiting cab.



We decide to go back to Jos' place. As a few of the cast are staying at the same hotel as me and we don't want to be seen.

She walks into the kitchen and pours herself a small glass of water. She take a few sips and then puts the glass down.

"Do you want a drink or something"  she asks

"Or something" I say and I lift her to the kitchen counter. She runs her hands through my hair and kisses me, her kiss is full of want.

I pull her underwear out of my pocket and hold it up. "I can't believe you actually did that"

"Well you asked, so I complied" she says with a cheeky smirk.

I'm so turned on, I lick my bottom lip. "I want to fuck you, right here, right now" I say matter of factly

She stares at me and reaches down and unbuttons my trousers.  I push them down to knees. I hike up her dress and I kiss her hard. I hold her gaze, as I push myself into her.

She wraps her legs around my waist and wraps her arms around my shoulders.

"Faster" she moans into my ear.

I pick up the pace and our breathing quickens simultaneously. I tangle my hands in her hair.

She tilts her head back and her moans become  quicker and louder. 

I come inside her and then I rest my forehead on hers.

Once we catch our breathes, I pull up my jeans and help her off the counter.


I rearrange my dress and turn back to Hero.
"I'm kinda hungry now, do you fancy some pizza" I ask.

"Sure" He says.

I grab my phone and order some food. I then walk into my room and change into a pair of night shorts and a T-shirt. 

I grab some clothes about of my wardrobe and walk back into the lounge and hand them to Hero. He looks at them for a moment and he realises that they're his clothes.

"I couldn't bear to throw them out, so I just kept hold of them, just in case".  I say sheepishly.

30 minutes later, the doorbell goes and it's our food. I sit the boxes down on the table and sit on the couch with my legs crossed.

I grab a slice and take a big bite. Wow I needed this so bad. I didn't realise how hungry I was.

Hero takes a slice and takes a bite. When I look up, I notice that he's watching me.

"What" i ask.

He looks at me and simply says "I love you"


Hope your still enjoying my story.

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