Chapter 12

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The last 5 days have gone past like a whirlwind. We sadly didn't get to spend much time in Paris or spend much time together. It was all go, go, go. All work, work, work.

We arrived in Paris the day before the premiere and then left the morning after. But we're now on a plane our way to London and I'm super excited and slightly nervous.

Heros' mother and some of his friends are coming to the premiere. I'm nervous to see them again after so long and after our break up last year, but Hero keeps assuring me it'll be fine.

He hasn't told them about us being back together yet and plans to speak to mum as soon as he can. He's cares so much for family and friends and it's nice to see.

I look at the little screen telling me only have 30 minutes left until we land in London. When we land some of us will be going our separate ways and this includes Hero and me.

Hero, along with some of the cast are going to their houses that they own in town and I'm off to a hotel with the rest of the cast.

I look over to where Hero is sitting across the gangway. He looks at me and smiles. I check no one is looking, slide down in my chair a little and blow him a kiss.

He pretends to catch it and I let out a little childish giggle. He looks left and right and that no one is looking and in return he makes a heart with his hands.

I place my hand in my heart. His gesture makes my blush. I love that he can still make me feel like this. I can't hide the grin that has crept across my face. I look down at the floor in slight embarrassment at how giddy I've just got.



I look out of the window of the cab and watch as the drive past miles of fields and houses. Im glad there's not much traffic on the motorway but know as soon as we turn on to the smaller streets of London, the traffic will kick in.

As I sit in the back of the cab alone, I put my headphones in and listen to one of my Spotify playlists.

I pick one that I made full of songs that remind of Jo. It's a mix of some of her favourite bands/songs and songs that make me think of her.

I really wanted her to stay at mine with me, rather than the hotel. But we don't want people to know about us just yet and that would look a little suspicious.

After about an hour or so in the cab, I finally arrive at my house. I drag my cases into my lounge and flop face down on my sofa. All of sudden I feel a rush of tiredness come over me.

I lay face down on my sofa for about half an hour and my phone buzzes. I grab my phone and see it's a text from my mum and shes asking if I'm home yet.

I sit up and call her.

"Hi mum"

"Oh my baby boy. It's so good to hear your voice. How are you? Have you landed? Are you home yet?" My mum asks without taking a single breath

"Yeah I'm good. Yeah, I just got in. How are you?" I reply.

"I'm good thanks, my darling. When are you coming over?" She asks

I've just got back to London and she can't wait to see me already. I don't mind though, I love my mum dearly and she means the world to me.

"I can come over tonight, if that's ok?" I offer

"Yes, tonight is perfect. I can't wait to see you. Come over whenever your ready honey"

"Ok I'll be over in a bit. Love you mum"

"Love you, son. See you soon"

I decide to quickly jump in the shower and then order myself an Uber.



After a nice dinner with my mum and sister. I offer to help my mum with the washing up.

I follow her into the kitchen with the dirty plates and place them into the sink. She starts washing up and hands me items to dry and put away.

"Can I talk to you about something for a second. There's something I want to tell you before the premiere tomorrow" I ask

"Yeah sure. What's the matter honey" my mum says as she hands me another plate.

"I wanted you to be one of the first to know, that Jo and I are back together. We've decided to give our relationship another go"

She turns to me. "When did this all happen?"

"A few weeks ago, when we were in New York. We're kinda seeing how it's goes but so far it's going good" I tell her

"Im glad, Jo always seemed good for you. You always seemed happy around her and as long as you happy. I'm happy" she says taking my face in her wet hands and she kisses my forehead.

"Thanks mum" I say as I dry my face. "I am happy. Really happy" I say the last part with my whole heart.

My mum dries her hands and I put the last plate away.

"Well I can't wait to have you both over for dinner soon" She tells me.

"Well the premieres tomorrow so we'll be busy all day but how about the day after? I'm sure Jo won't mind" I suggest

"Perfect" she says.

We walk back into the lounge and I sit on the sofa with Mercy. Allowing my mum to put her feet up on the other sofa.

The three of us chat and watch tv for a few hours and then I head home, sadly alone.

I decide to call Jo while in the cab but it's goes to voicemail. I leave her a short message simply saying that I'll call her later and that I love her.

Hope your all still liking my story.

Thanks for the votes on my chapter guys!


P.S. Sorry this chapter was posted a little later than normal!

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