Chapter 7.

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I wake up just before my alarm goes off. Today i have a busy day ahead of. A day, sadly without Hero.

I have a meeting with my stylist to pick out dresses for the premiers for 'After We Fell'.

We have three premieres to attend this year. We have the US premiere, here in LA in the next few days, then we have a premiere in Paris and finally finishing with the London premiere.

I'm excited for the London premiere not only do I get to go to London with Hero but also because Hero is excited for it. It's the first time that these films have had a UK premiere and it's in Hero's home town.

I decide to text Hero quickly before I get ready and head out. As I look at my phone, Im surprised to see that hes already messaged me. I open the message.

"I missed you last night xx"

"Ditto xx" I simply reply.

I throw my phone into the bed and jump into the shower.



I walk into the hotel room set up for me to try on different dresses. There are 2 racks of dresses, all different lengths, styles and colours and another smaller rack with trousers suits.

I walk over to the first rack and my stylist grabs a dress off the rack.

"I think this dress would look amazing on you" she says holding it out at me.

The dress is so beautiful. It's a light beige colour mid-length dress with beige lace top layer decorated with a few embroidered pastel coloured flowers.

"Yes. Wow the flowers are so pretty" I say taking in all the delicate embroidery work.  I don't usually go for light colours but there's something about this dress.

I walk over to the first rack and flick through the dresses. There are so many amazing dresses to choose from.

The second dress that catches my eye is a floor length shimmering pastel rainbow vertical striped dress. The dress has a halter-style neckline, with a plunging V-neck and a flowing skirt with fine pleats.

"Two down, one to go" I mutter to myself. I decide that for the London premiere I want to wear blue. As blue is Heros' favourite colour.

I spot a dress on the second rack. Its a navy blue organza floor length gown. It has some  crystal embellishment around the waist.  It kinda reminds of Cinderella's dress,  just a darker blue.

I take the three dress  and I head behind the privacy screen and try them on.

All three fit perfectly and I like the way they look and feel on me. I decide on these three dresses without even looking or trying on any of the others. I just know that these are perfect.

I thank my stylist team and head home. When I'm in the cab. I decide to drop Hero a quick text. I know he's busy today with meetings and I don't want to disturb him, so I keep my message brief.

"Hope your meetings are going well. I'm heading home now. Talk to you later x"



My phone buzzes on the table and I see Jos' name flash up. I want to instantly read the message but I'm in the middle of meeting.

I decide to turn the phone face down, so not to be distracted. But just knowing that there is a message from her is already distracting my attention.

I really want to land this role. The script is really good and it already has some big names attached to the project already. It will be another big stepping stone for me in my career.

At the end of my meeting, I feel confident. I say my goodbyes and thank yous and head back up to my room.

I read her message. I want to see her tonight but I need to learn some lines for the screen test tomorrow. I wanna ace the audition.

The film shoots here in LA for two months, early next year. Which means that if all goes well, I'll get to spend more time with Jo.

I decide to call Jo rather than texting. If I can't see her tonight then I want to hear her voice.

She answers on the third ring.

"Hi babe" I say

"Hey. How did your meetings go?" She asks

"Actually really good. The movie I really wanna land looks promising. I feel really good about it. They want to see me tomorrow for a screen test and then I should find out in the next few days if I have the part. So unfortunately, that means I can't come over tonight. I gotta learn these lines" i tell her

"That's a bummer but it's ok, I understand. And not that you need it, but good luck tomorrow" She says.

"Thanks. So how was your day. Did you manage to find some dresses?" I ask.

"I did, I did. There was so many beautiful dresses to choose from. But i'm so happy with the three I picked" she excitedly tells me.

"So what are they like? What colours are they? What styles?" I know nothing really about dresses but I know what it means to show my interest.

"You'll have to wait and see" she teases.

We talk for over an hour on the phone. I could of spoke to her all night, but I have to learn these lines before tomorrow if I want to get this part.

I run though my lines over and over again and tuck into the room service I ordered. After a few hours, I feel I have them them down and decide to try and get a good nights sleep.

I reach for my phone and text Jo quickly.

"Night babe xx"

I place my phone on the bedside table and turn off the light.
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