Chapter 13

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I wake up slightly later than planned. I get up and open the curtains in my room. The windows are from floor to ceiling and overlooks the River Thames. I can see The Shard the right and Tower Bridge to the left.

I take seat in the chair by the window and take in the view. The sun is shining and it looks like it's going be a lovely day. I just sit and look out for a few minutes, then my phone beeps.

I walk over to the table and pick up my phone. It's a message from Castille about meeting up for breakfast.

I reply back "Sure, my room? 30 mins?"

Our rooms are like mini apartments and have a kitchen that have been stocked with food and drinks that they supplied for our stay. So it's seems silly going out for breakfast.

As I'm waiting for her reply I notice that I have a missed call. I press the voicemail logo and see it's from Hero.

I listen to his message. It's short but makes me smile. I send Hero a quick message that I can't wait to see him later.

My phone vibrates and its Castilles reply. "Perfect" the message says.

I wash my face and brush my hair. I decide that I'll have a shower before getting ready for tonight. I spray some Victoria Secret fragrance mist to freshen up.

I hear a knock on my door, I check the peephole and see it's Castille.

"Hey" I say as I open the door

"Hey" she walks in to my room "Aren't these rooms fabulous"

"I know. Like you could live here. And the views are just incredible" I say

I grab some breakfast items from the cupboards and place them on the dining table.
I lay out some granola, some yogurt and some fruit.

"Is this ok" I ask pointing to the food I've laid out.

"Sure" Castille replies. She takes a bowl and starts filling in with granola

"So, are you excited for tonight?" She asks

"Yeah. I think Heros the most excited though. His mum and some of his friends are coming. How about you" I say as I grab a bowl and add some fruit and yogurt. 

"Yeah, I'm totally stoked" Castille replies

We eat breakfast and talk for about how we think the day will go and what historical sites we'd like to see while in London.



I wake up and head downstairs to my kitchen.  Today my house feels so empty. I've been living in my own for a few months but this morning feels extra lonely.

I guess because over the last weeks I've been jo most days and I'd gotten used to having some company. I wish she was with me now.

Last time she was in London visiting me, I was renting a place with a few of my mates. Now I have my own place and I can't wait to show her. I feel so proud of my home.

I make myself a cup of tea and some toast and check my phone.  I have a few messages from my friends and a message from Jo. I read Jos message first.

I decide that I'll call her in a minute. I reply to my mates message via the group chat.

I message my mates Felix and Alex, as they are coming to the premiere tonight. We arrange to meet at mine and go together.  I would rather go with Jo but we're not allowed to turn up together.

After I finish my tea and toast. I walk into my lounge, sit in my sofa and call Jo.

She answers on the third ring

"Hey"  she says cheerfully

"Hey babe. How are you?" I ask

"I'm good. I missed you last though"  she replies

"I missed you too. I can't wait to see you later"  I say

"Me too. Oh my god Hero, you should see this hotel room. Well, I should say apartment. It's huge. And the view, is just wow. Though it may not be as exciting for you as you live here but London is so pretty at night" she tells me

"Well maybe you can show me later tonight" I say cheekily and a smile creeps across my face.

"Can I now" she jests and she lets out a little giggle.

I love hearing her laugh. I lay down on my sofa and we talk on the phone for about an hour.



After talking on the phone with Hero. I get in the shower and let the hot water wash away my anxiety that has slowly creepy in.

I'm getting more nervous about seeing Heros mum tonight. I've met her a few time before so I shouldn't be this nervous but I am.

I wash my hair and take in the apple scent of the shampoo. Once rinsed off, I get out and wrap a towel round me and head out of the bathroom.

I check the time and see that I have 30 minutes until the hair stylist is coming to my room to do my hair.

I put on underwear and put on a dressing gown. I get my dress out of the wardrobe and hang it up in the outside of the wardrobe door.

My stomach rumbles, so I grab a salad pot out of the fridge and head over to the window. I look out at the Thames whilst eating my lunch.

I hear a knock at my door and walk over and see it's the stylist that been hired to do all the  girls hair for tonight.

She styles my hair and then does my make up. We decide to leave my hair down and with lose curls. After she leaves. I change into my dress.

I look at myself in the mirror, take a deep breath, I grab my purse and head out and down to the lobby to meet the others.

When I reach the lobby, I see that some of the cast are already there waiting.

"Jo, wow I love your dress" Kiana says coming over to me and hugs me.

"Thanks. I love yours too" I say back

"You both look lovely" Carter chimes in as he walks over to us. He hugs us both.

"Thank you" Kiana and I say, at the same time.

"The cars are here. Let's do this" Castille tells us all.

We all head out of the hotel and into our respective cars. It's take about 15 minutes to get to the cinema where the premiere is being held in Londons Leicester Square.

The car comes to a stop and the door opens for me. I take a deep breath and step out.

Thanks for reading another chapter!

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