Chapter 29- Potty word

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"What was that word you said earlier?" Akimi questioned Y/N, recalling past events.

"What word..?"

"Hm...I don't remember exactly. It was something like, shet, or maybe it was, shwat?" Oh no, Y/N probably shouldn't have cursed out so loudly as she had before in front of the kid. Akimi continued to mumble out different versions of the word.

"It's nothing Akimi, don't worry about it." She replied, giving her a reassuring glance. Although the girl wasn't paying attention. Her fingers held onto her chin as she looked to the floor. Y/N bent down to the kid's level with concern. "Akimi?"

"Shit! That's what you said!" An indivisible light bulb glowed on the top of her head as she recalled the correct pronunciation. Y/N flinched, immediately covering her mouth.

"NO-" People who passed by looked curiously. "We.." The woman took her hand off the girl's mouth. "We do not say those potty words." Akimi raised her brows.

"But you said it." The girl crossed her arms, almost looking irritated.

"Yes- well. Don't follow my example. I'm probably the worst person for you to follow." Y/N grabbed ahold of the girl's hand once more and they continued to walk.


They were both silent as they walked side by side. Akimi gawked at the stores beside her and spoke. "L/N."

"Yep..?" Y/N turned her head to look at the kid, but she was not given a stare back.

"I'm going to ask you a question that will determine whether or not I will hate you." Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head.

"I..okay. Shoot." Was this question really going to determine whether or not Akimi hated her? Somehow, someway, there was an odd pressure.

"Why did you betray and leave the Rabid Dogs?" Ah..of course, it had to be this one. It was all a very complicated process she supposed. Obviously, she wasn't planning on betraying the organization, and in all honesty, she hasn't even officially left. However, one thing was for sure. She wouldn't be able to go back, even if she tried. It bugged her that she was still considered, "registered" in the group.

"Well, it definitely wasn't the plan. I really did try to carry out my original mission..but I couldn't bring myself to do it." Y/N began to explain. Now that she thought of it, if Y/N still took the ability drug when she was given the mission to assassinate Kunikida, there would've been no need to go undercover. It would've most likely been a quick kill, then that would've been it.

"Why couldn't you do your mission?" They neared the agency building as Y/N stopped. She glanced to the floor then up at the sky.

"Because my mission was to kill Mr. Kunikida." Akimi's lips parted and she finally looked at Y/N. A smile began to form on the woman's lips as the wind lightly carried her hair.

"And that was hard because you love him, don't you." Y/N's grin only became brighter at the comment. She lazily turned her head to the kid and squeezed Akimi's hand in hers.

"Yeah.." Her cheeks turned pink. "I think so.." The girl herself couldn't help but smile at Y/N's happiness.  A figure coming out of the open door for the agency's building caught the attention of the woman. She turned her head, and Y/N's eyelids opened wide as she found Kunikida himself walking towards them. Oh no, he hadn't heard what she said had he? Okay, what is she supposed to do? Was there an abort button she could press? No, why was she embarrassed? There was no reason, considering she already said she thought she loved him days prior. He knows this already, right? Wait, they were speaking in English, so he probably didn't understand it right? But Kunikida is extremely intelligent, surely he knows various languages...

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