Chapter 11- Ranpo

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Y/N was silent as the two detectives got up from their seats to greet their coworkers. She squeezed her hand into a fist while averting her eyes away from Ranpo.

Shitshitshitshit how could i forget he was coming????

After the eventful night the day before, Y/N had completely forgotten the reason why she had to kill Kunikida at that specific time in the first place.

Ranpo Edogawa

The best detective in the ADA, and according to others, the best in the world. With his incredible special ability, Ultra Deduction, he can figure anything out once he puts on his glasses. He's solved multiple cases in Japan, and worldwide. His very existence was the reason the Armed Detective Agency was started; And he was there, standing right next to an undercover assassin.

"I don't believe we've met yet." A chirpy voice stated. Y/N flinched out of her daze and saw Ranpo looking at her. She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering. She simply smiled and let out her hand to him.

"Right...I'm Y/N. I'm sure you've heard some about me from your coworkers..haha.." She replied trying to keep it cool. Ranpo titled his head at her.

"You don't gotta be scared Y/N-san. I know you've heard a lot of amazing things about the most amazing detective...! But..I don't bite!" He says pridefully and cheerfully.

"Haha..scared?" Y/N said playing it off as a weird hunch he had. Ranpo simply stared at her for a moment. The young woman lowered her shoulders, gulping. This moment was quickly stopped when the waitress came with their drinks.

"Caffé mochas for you two." She said happily as she put the mugs down.

"Ah..~ thank you!!" Ranpo exclaimed like a child as he took the mug and started sipping on it. Y/N glanced over to Ranpo, turning back at the bar and grabbing her mug, sipping out of it.

"And...Kunikida-san, your black coffee." The waitress said. Y/N nearly spat coffee on herself.

"YOU DRINK BLACK COFFEE?" The surprised woman asked him. Kunikida raised his eyebrows confused as he took the mug.

"Yes...? It wakes me up. Is there a problem?" The confused man looked onto Y/N who was starting to make odd shocked faces.

"IT'S JUST- SO..-"

"Hm...Kunikida-kun, I don't think Y/N can handle black coffee. Poor thing." Dazai interrupted with a huge smirk as he sipped on his tea.

It was true, she couldn't. Black coffee was one of the only types she's ever had. She despised it.

"W-well! I don't need to!" The young woman said irritated, becoming more energized after drinking her coffee.

"Hm...Kunikida-kun~ why don't you feed Y/N your coffee. Mouth to mo-AHHHHHOW" Dazai yelled out as Kunikida spilled some of his burning hot coffee onto Dazai's pants. "KUNIKIDA- LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE." He said dramatically.

"Don't make such ridiculous comments Dazai, honestly," Kunikida said sighing, taking another sip from his cup.

(A/N- I wouldn't mind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

Y/N let out a laugh. It was quite entertaining to watch the two coworkers who are supposed to be professional act like siblings.

But she couldn't focus on that primarily. It seemed Ranpo hadn't figured her out yet, considering he hasn't said anything. She wanted to look at him but was afraid he would use his special ability any moment. Y/N got lost in a daze as she thought more and more, occasionally sipping on her coffee.

Assassins target ~||~ Kunikida DoppoWhere stories live. Discover now