Chapter 32- Caterpillar

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For how long have they been knocking? Perhaps it wasn't too long, but given the tension, it felt like an eternity.

"Oiii! You in there?" Ranpo yelled out as he stepped directly in front of the door. He placed his ear on the door and continued to knock. "Miss ma'am??"

Akimi's grasp tightened onto Y/N's thumb. Behind those doors was her mother. The very woman that had given birth to her. Was it normal to feel your stomach tighten when you are anticipating something? Perhaps, but she couldn't focus on that at the moment.

"Ranpo, she might not be here right now.." Kunikida placed his hand on the detective's shoulder.

"Hm, that might be the case." Ranpo pouted his lips and backed up from the door. "Guess we can try later!" He swiftly turned around and began to walk. "ONWA-"

The front door slightly creaked open, making everyone stop. Everyone's attention went to the entrance.

"Can I help you..?" A groggy, but feminine voice reached everyone's ears. A slide lock was attached to the door, preventing the woman to open the door any further. All they could see was a sliver of her face.

"Are you Phoebe Wright?" Kunikida came up near the doorway. This was one of the few times Y/N heard Kunikida speak English. He seemed extremely fluent, which of course was to be expected; but not even his accent showed too much. To say the least, she was impressed.

"Who's asking?" She mumbled, lowering her head down.

"The Armed Detective Agency, located in Yokohama, Japan. We'd like to ask you some questions regarding the Rabid dogs Soci-"

"Something that is involved with the Rabid Dogs is something I don't want to involve myself with." The woman avoided all eye contact and began to close the door. "So if you'll excuse me.."

"A daughter! You had a child that you gave them, right?" Y/N quickly stepped her foot into the crack of the door. The woman stopped, she stared into nothing for a moment. Once she looked back at them, she and Y/N were staring directly at each other. The woman flinched, but she backed up from the door.

"Who did you guys say you were again?"


"I see, quite an adventure you all have had. Especially you, kid." The woman named Phoebe glanced over to Akimi as she sipped into her mug. "I'm sorry to disappoint but there's not much for you to find here, at least on my side of things."

"Well, could you tell us how you ended up becoming involved with the RBS?" Y/N hunched down and rested her elbows on her knees.

"Hm. Well, when I married my husband, he already had a signed contract with them. Honestly, that was one of the main reasons I married him in the first place." Phoebe's eyes were drowsy, looked like it was from exhaustion, or from having a hangover, or both. The woman clearly drunk quite a lot, judging from the mass amount of liquor bottles around the house. She rubbed her head from a possible headache.

"Why would that be the reason..?" Kunikida asked. "Was there money involved?"

"What, you think parents are just gonna give away their kids for free?" Everyone was silent. Phoebe squinted her eyes and paid no attention to the growing tension in the room as she continued to sip from her mug. Kunikida coughed.

"Well, I-"

"What the fuck is wrong with you.." The blonde, who had been interrupted, parted his lips. Everyone looked to Y/N's direction, who was now standing up.

"Y/N..don't.." Akimi looked up at her and mumbled.

"So what you're saying is that you gave away your own child for money? Do you know how absurd that sounds?!" She clenched her fists hard enough to hurt herself with her nails.

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