I: Chapter 15- I love you, thats the problem

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Steam started fogging up the mirror from the hot shower running in the bathroom. The woman felt sensual relief as the heated water stirred her skin. It made her forget the cold air of Yokohama just outside the apartment. Never has she ever felt so satisfied and calm just from a simple shower. She finished and turned the knob to the left, making the shower head over her body stop giving out water.
Quickly walking out of the shower, Y/N wrapped a white towel around her body to dry herself. She got changed into her nightgown, provided by Kunikida, and walked out the door with damp hair laid on her head.

She walked through the dim-lit hall and went into the living room leaving slightly wet footprints behind her. She looked towards the window and found snow starting to build upon the railings on the balcony just outside. It was still such a wonderful sight to her, she had hoped she could see it more often.


Kunikida was reading over some of his old poetry he had written in high school under his bed covers. Most of it was quite romantic and deep, other times they simply reflected on his life at the time. He chuckled to himself as he saw his imagery of love through the writings on the old paper.

He would be lying if he said students from his school didn't attempt to at least go out with him. He would find chocolate and flowers in his shoe locker from ladies in his class, or those who simply heard of him on the sidelines. Although it was rare, some found Kunikida's interest in romantic literature attractive.

(A/N- I do too ;))

However, he had already had his ideal woman ideal plan by the time he was in a second year in high school so he declined all of the offers.

The blonde heard a knock on his bedroom door. Quickly, he put the papers down onto his nightstand face down, hoping whoever was coming in would not see his past poetry. Though he knew who would meet him on the other side.


"Ah yes Y/N, can I help you?" Kunikida questioned curiously, his eyelids slowly closing from his tiredness. Y/N couldn't keep a still footing, and she fidgeted her fingers around the object she was holding behind.

"Uh well, I was wondering if I could rest here for the night." She replied, not keeping much of a glance at him. Kunikida had looked at the time and was taken aback by it.


It was very late. He turned back to face Y/N and smiled. "Sure I don't mind."

Y/N pursed her lips together and started walking towards the bed as Kunikida turned the other way to put the papers on the nightstand away.

"Are you frightened of something..?" He asked, assuming that was the reason. As Y/N answered, he turned off the light.

"Ah well, I guess so." Frightened? She was terrified. He couldn't know why though. The young woman placed herself under the covers, instantly feeling the comfort of the soft sheets on her bare legs. She draped the blanket over her shoulders. The two adults were both facing their backs to each other. Y/N gulped hard.

"Hey, Kunikida?" She said slicing the silence in half. She could feel his body shift a little.

"Yeah?" She heard his voice respond.

"I need to tell you something..." Y/N paused. "before I won't be able to..." Kunikida rose his eyebrows curiously, but nodded.

"Right, okay. What is it?" He waited for her reply back. Y/N took a deep breath in.

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