Chapter 34- Trust

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"Change of plans?" Y/N leaned on her hip as she watched Kunikida filling out paperwork at the front desk.

"There's far more trouble here than we thought there'd be in this town." The blonde stated, not looking up from the clipboard. "I'll be checking you and Akimi out of your room and sending you back to Yokohama earlier than expected."

"Why? What's going on...?"

Kunikida stopped writing, and his hand froze. Y/N flinched when she heard the yelling of a woman from outside the hotel. "Y/N-" He looked up from his paper and let his hand out, but the woman was already rushing out the door.

"Please! Let me have a couple more years with him!! That's what our contract said-!" The woman yelled out, her voice being hoarse. Y/N turned around the corner of a building and found the woman being held back by a man from her shoulders. A group of men in suits was walking away from the house, one of them having a newborn baby in his arms. "YOU LIARS- YOU SAID-"

"Matilda- please calm down-We must listen to them." The man who was holding the woman ordered her. His tone had the slightest of pity in his face. She stopped kicking her legs around and turned to him.

"Y/N..." Kunikida caught up with her and grabbed her shoulder. Y/N turned to the blonde with confusion spread all over her face. She opened her mouth to say something, but their attention was brought back to the woman and the man.

"YOU FUCKING LIAR- HOW DARE YOU?! THAT IS MY CHILD. I BARELY EVEN HELD HIM!!" The woman named Matilda elbowed him in his core, thus making the man let go of her. Matilda then went on top of him, grabbed his shoulders, and screamed in his face. "ALBIE- YOU ARE A LIAR! LIAR LIAR-"

Kunikida and Y/N stepped on right away. The blonde pulled Matilda from underneath her arms. The woman swung her arms around. Y/N jogged over to the man. She pulled him away from Matilda as well, and let him sit up against a wall of a building.

Once Y/N stood up, she looked behind her, where the men in suits were walking away. Y/N clenched her fist and put her first foot forward to start chasing them. The woman had a gut feeling that those men were from the RBS, and they were going to use that child for their own terrible uses. She began to pounce until Kunikida grabbed her from behind.

"Don't-!" His yell turned into a stern whisper in her ear. The blonde wrapped his arms above her chest and held on tightly as Y/N struggled to get out of his grasp.

"I NEED TO SAVE HIM DOPPO- I WILL-." The man placed his hand over Y/N's mouth and ran behind a building with her still in his arms. He stayed in the corner of it and looked over the edge, where the men in suits looked behind where Y/N and he had just been. They stared for a bit more, but then turned back around and continued to walk away. Kunikida sighed, taking his hand off of the woman's mouth, who had also calmed down.

"What the hell are you doing? You do know what they're going to do to him, right?" The woman refused to look at him and simply looked at the ground. The man and woman, Albie and Matilda stood up and looked over to them.

"We can't right now, save him I mean. But I assure you, no child in that organization will remain there. We just can't right now." Y/N squinted her eyes shut and pushed herself out of Kunikida's grasp, which he had let after seeing she wouldn't go after them.

"But why..? He's right there. We could easily save him..." She looked at the wall.

"If they find out you're here, hell will break loose, and it'll be more difficult to save all of the children. We'll save them all at the same time, okay?" Y/N inhaled sharply, then nodded. She turned around and looked at him.

"Right, so what's the plan?"

"You are not a part of this plan." He stated. Y/N scrunched her eyebrows.

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