Chapter 12- Explaining Eve

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Y/N walked back into the agency sighing. There were many things she needed to do now, but it was alright. As long as she carried out her mission, she should be fine on terms with the Rabid Dogs.

But the thing was, would she be able to? She's already tried once and failed miserably. The irritated woman bit her bottom lip as Kunikida came into her vision. He looked extremely invested in his work, as he clicked on the keys of his keyboard. She found herself staring, and quickly looked away. Y/N slumped down on her chair, not knowing what to do whatsoever. At this point, she was eager for Ranpo to come back, regardless of the risk she was taking. Oddly enough, Y/N didn't see Ranpo for the rest of the day.


"Huh..? That's odd."

Back in Kunikida's apartment, Y/N heard Kunikida talk to himself from his room. She peaked her head in intrigueded

"This wouldn't happen to be the emergency gun would it..?" Kunikida asked himself as he held up a gun. He looked over to Y/N as if he were asking the question to her. Her stomach knotted.

the gun from last night...I never put it away!!

"Hah..weird. Maybe it is." She said keeping her face still as to not show her nervous one. Kunikida got up from his knee and walked over to the kitchen. He walked over to one of the drawers and opened it.

"Hm, looks like it is. That's weird. I don't recall ever taking it out in the first place.." Kunikida thought out loud after seeing the drawer with a missing gun. Y/N flopped herself onto one of the couches. She licked her dry lips and kept her glance out the window.

"Who knows, do you think somebody else tried to use it?" The nervous woman asked.

"No..that wouldn't make sense. Nobody knows about the location of this gun except Dazai, and.." Kunikida thought for a moment, then widen his eyes. "You. Y/ wouldn't.." Adrenaline started rushing through Y/N's body. She slowly turned her head over to him. His face was pale, and he was starring straight at her. could I have been so stupid??!

"Huh...? What do you mean Kunikida??"

The color went onto his cheeks once again as he let out a small chuckle. "I'm just messing with you." He said, "I haven't looked for the gun in weeks, I could've grabbed it to reload and never put it back; I told you it was in here without even checking." Kunikida rubbed his temples. "That was a mistake on my part, sorry about that." Relief came onto Y/N's face.

"Nono, It's fine. It's not like there was a situation where I needed it." She said smiling. Kunikida sighed and returned the smile. He checked inside the gun and noticed it wasn't loaded.

"Gah..and I didn't even load it when I took it out. I truly am a mess." Kunikida complained irritated as he started looking through the cabinets for the box of bullets. Y/N averted her eyes as she thought.

So even if I had pulled the trigger, it wasn't even loaded-

As Kunikida scrounged around, the two of them heard a beeping sound coming from down the hallway, making them both look in that direction.

"Are you doing laundry?" Y/N asked.

"Ah yeah, I'll go get that." He said as he scrambled around to put the items he had been holding from the cabinet down. He let out a small yelp as one of the items dropped to the ground, making Y/N giggle.

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