Chapter 9- Eve

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Y/N let out a yelp in response to the thunder. She crouched into a ball dropping the gun on the ground. She shut her eyes closed putting her hands on her ears, forgetting the actual task at hand.

"Y/N...?" A familiar voice spoke to her. The terrified woman flinched by the sound of him. She looked up at him, quickly sliding the gun under the bed with her foot so hopefully, he wouldn't notice. She quickly stood back up from the ground.

"I'm, uh, well.." She frantically replied trying to find words.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with alert eyes, ready to attack.

"'s nothing.-" Y/N was finally able to say, trying to act natural. Even if the situation wasn't normal at all.

"Then what are you doing here..?" He asked a little suspicious.

"I'm's really not-EEP-" Her words were interrupted by thunder. Her body jumped terrified. Kunikida's alert eyes became more concerned.

"Are you scared of thunder?" He asked using her body language as context clues. Though it was true she was scared of it, she didn't want to admit it.

"AHa..of course not! Why would I ever..." Once again, Y/N was interrupted as lightning light blinded her for a moment. Not a second after, thunder roared in the sky. She stayed silent, but it was clear she was afraid after she squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears. The young woman wasn't expecting to feel his hands go into hers.

"You may sleep here tonight." He replied looking back at her. Y/N was shocked but was too tired to express it. She simply nodded, cause it was exactly what she wanted. To be with someone, at least tonight. It's what she's always wanted on scary nights like these, just for someone to comfort her.

Kunikida walked over to his desk turning on the dim-lit lamp. Y/N awkwardly went under the sheets as he walked back to the bed with a book in hand.

"Are you not going to sleep?" Y/N quietly asked him.

"I'll stay awake for a bit." He replied sitting back on the bed, going under the covers, and resting his back on the headboard as he opened his book. Y/N's back was to Kunikida's, she felt awkward enough sharing a bed with him, but she was glad there was some sort of presence. Regardless of the dim light, Y/N could feel herself starting to drift off. That is until another clap of thunder stroke, making the scared woman cling on to Kunikida immediately out of fear. Although she did it subconsciously, so when she realized her position she was quite embarrassed.

"Ah..sorry." Y/N apologized embarrassed by her unintentional clinginess. Before she could let go, Kunikida put an arm around her shoulder, which shocked her nonetheless.

"You're fine, just focus on calming down." The young man replied calmly, gaze still upon his book.

"I am calm." The young woman said trying to keep her pride.

"I can feel your heartbeat on my chest, you are not calm Y/N." Kunikida said. Her heartbeat only got faster by that embarrassing comment.

"That's embarrassing y'know.." She replied. As more thunder came about, Y/N hid her face into his chest, both to hide her embarrassed face, and to shield herself from the storm. The young man's lips started to curl into a soft smile as his cheeks became pink. He was glad Y/N was falling asleep as his heartbeat started racing. That way, she wouldn't be able to hear it.


Y/N woke up in a black abyss. She was lying flat on the floor and groaned when she realized where she was.

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