Chapter 18- All that matters

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"God damnit, where's Ranpo when you need him..?" The blonde rambled aggressively holding his phone to his ear, pacing back and forth.

"Calm down, he does this all the time. He's probably making some ground-breaking discovery." Yosano reassured him, placing a glass of water on the table for Y/N.

"To make matters worse, that Dazai won't even pick up his phone." He mumbled angrily to himself.

"Whose Ranpo?" She questioned, holding the cup that had to form condensation dripping from the bottom of it.

"He's one of the head detectives here at the Agency, very looked up upon. He can really solve any case." Kunikida explained shutting his phone close. The young woman took a sip of her drink, feeling the nice cool tingles of the cold water in her mouth.

"How is that possible?"

"With his special ability, Ultra Deduction." Kunikida replied. Yosano gave him a side glance at his response.

"An ability like my mine...?" Y/N asked.

"That's right, you mentioned you have an ability didn't you?" The young man remembered from earlier in the morning when she lashed out at him.

"Yeah, that's one of the few things I do remember. I don't know what I used it for, but I knew I have, er, had one and I had used it for myself." The two detectives looked at each other intrigued and confused.

"Well, ability users have a slightly different neurological system than those who don't. It's not very major, but medical professionals can identify it and say that the subject has an ability." The doctor explained. "When I performed the procedure to remove Eve and I went into your brain though, I saw no such thing." She frowned, putting her finger to her chin.

"Maybe there's someone that knew Y/N personally who can answer our questions. Do you recall any person?" Kunikida asked Y/N.

"Uhm, yeah. A man." She started to think more.

"Who was he to you?" The blonde asked

"My partner..? Friend..? Maybe both."

"And his name..?" Y/N looked down at her lap.



"God...I'm hungry." Y/N complained as she and Kunikida walked down the sidewalk.

"Remember we can't be out for long, Yosano specifically told me to bring you back in 10 minutes so you could get a breather." Kunikida explained, looking out at the street with his hand in his pocket. He could hear the woman snort.

"Hah- what is she? My dad?" She remarked with a smirk. The blonde looked over at her confused.


"Y-yeah. Yknow.." Y/N placed her index finger right below her nose and puckered her lips out. She then pointed her other hand left to right. "Bring her back by eight, young man- or else she won't be the thing you see in your bed tonight." The young woman said in a groggy voice. "You know...? Okay maybe the last part doesn't fit but.."

There was silence, and Y/N was worried she had made a terrible joke. The woman didn't want to make an awkward situation with someone who's practically a stranger to her. She awkwardly stared in front of her, until she heard a snort coming from beside her. When Y/N turned, she saw Kunikida, head facing away from her. He obviously had his fingers over his mouth, and his shoulders shifted up and down indicating some sort of laughter. Proud of herself, Y/N turned back in front of her.

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