Chapter 37- Denial

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-Damaged lungs from an excess intake of gas

-Fatal head injury due to a high fall

Remains unconscious. Will be put under heavy life support.

Estimated life expectancy: 2 days

Y/N stared at the piece of paper she was given by the doctor of the hospital. No words that would come out of her mouth could express what she was feeling. Is this what losing all hope feels like?

"The best we can do is wait for Akiko to wake up from her emergency surgery." Ranpo's voice was comprehended amidst the suffocating despair.

"And there's no way they can give him a surgery?" Y/N put the paper down and stared back at Kunikida, laying on a bed with multiple tubes in him.

"The damage he has is beyond anything a surgery could fix. The line to get a transplant is far too long too.." The woman clenched her fist, putting everything into not breaking down right on the spot.

"I see.." She mumbled, beginning to walk out of the room. "So if Yosano doesn't wake up in time..he'll die. Is that what I'm hearing?" Y/N stopped at the door, waiting for Ranpo's answer.

"I'm afraid so." The woman had to remind herself to breathe once more. She simply nodded, then walked out of the room. On the other side, a familiar face reached her gaze.


"I'm glad you're okay."

"Mm.." She had no clue what to say to him. They just stood there in uncomfortable silence. "So they're just letting you roam free?"

"Not really. I'm being heavily watched as we speak." Micky sighed, beginning to glare at a small camera that was connected to the corner of a ceiling. "I just wanted to see that you were alive."

"I appreciate the thought."

And once again there was silence. The woman looked down at the floor, about to walk away.

"It's odd to see you like this." Y/N looked up and stared at him straight into the eyes when he said his comment.


"In all of my years knowing you, I've never seen you react to death like this." The man crossed his arms and leaned on the wall behind him. "You've killed many, and have sent many others to their death without a second thought. The idea of death became normal to you, so it's just odd seeing you react at all to this."

No matter what Y/N did, nothing could change her past. There's no way she could forget the things she had done, but there was really no helping it. Ever since she had started helping the Agency, that fact of her doing terrible things was blocked out of her mind. Until Micky mentioned it of course.

It's true, death was never a big deal. It wasn't supposed to be, but now it is.

Because death has more meaning now, why is that? Was it a matter of getting a taste of her own medicine? Or was it what love does to you? Does love make you find a new meaning in everything; including death itself?

"It is odd isn't it." Y/N finally mumbled, starting to walk away. Micky watched her disappear into the hall, but he stayed where he was. Leaning on the wall, feeling the grim emotion that death can bring throughout the hospital.


It was still cold, with snowflakes building upon the grass, bushes, and buildings all around. All the woman wore at the time for warmth was a small coat. As soon as they arrived at Yokohama, they wasted no time bringing Yosano and Kunikida to the hospital. There wasn't much time for her to do anything, hell, she didn't have her stuff. They had arrived back at the city late at night, so she ended up staying at the hospital.

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