Chapter 25- Dreaming of you

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Oh, also. Anytime a character would say Y/N-san, they would be referring to her last name. With an exception of Micky of course. I'll specify from now on whether or not they say L/N or Y/N in future chapters and when I fully edit the story. Enjoy the chapter!~

And there she was once more, at his
apartment. It was just as she remembered, although she didn't expect it to be any different. The funny thing was that she was never opposed to the offer. Of course, she did not want to bother him, and she voiced that to the blonde. However, Kunikida seemed to be happy to bring her back into his home.

He had cleaned the place back up from the mess she had made last time she was there. So many things had happened here, some of it she wanted to forget. Although there was much she also wanted to remember.

"Thank you once again for letting me stay here Kunikida-san, honestly." Y/N gave him an awkward smile.

"You don't need to worry about it. It might be better for you to stay with someone anyway." The blonde placed the keys on the small table as he closed the door behind him.

"You don't think people will still be after me, do you..?" The woman fidgeted her fingers as her eyes followed his walking figure ahead.

"It's possible there are more people after you now. Not only is the Rabid Dogs leader's son dead, but the other is also in custody by us." Kunikida turned into the kitchen, placing his mail on the cabinet top.

"Speaking of which, what's going to happen to Micky?" Y/N lazily walked into the living room, and smelt the candles she adored smelling. Although the vanilla scent was plain to most, it always reminded her that he was near. She plopped herself onto one of the couches and sunk into the cushions, stretching out on it while laying down.

"Your friend?" He called out. "Hm, well he's in trouble with many people. We'd have to see if he has any willingness to help. If not, we'd have no choice but to.." Kunikida glanced over to where she was sitting, but no longer saw her there. "L/N-san..?" He gulped, walking over to the couch. He peered over the cushions cautiously and had bit his bottom lip to stop himself from smiling too brightly.

The woman didn't realize how exhausted she had been. She had passed out as soon as her head was placed on the armrest. Her chest slowly went up and down as she breathed, and her (H/C) hair was scattered all around her face. Kunikida chuckled as he brushed her locks out of her forehead and behind her ear.

The blonde walked over to a small casket and grabbed a thick blanket. He laid it over her body swiftly and carefully, hoping for it to give her warmth for the night. As he adjusted her positioning, he couldn't help but gawk at Y/N softly. Kunikida grabbed a hold of her cheek, and brushed the side of it with his thumb. As he did, he accidentally brushed up against the bottom of her lower lip. The blonde flinched at the touch of her soft brim. "So perfect.." He thought. Butterflies squirmed around in his stomach just at the sight of her relaxed body. A body that belonged in his arms only. It was true that he was frustrated with the thoughts he was feeling about Y/N, but he let those agitated feelings go for once.

He leaned his lips forward towards hers, hesitated, then kissed her forehead lightly.

"Goodnight, Y/N." He whispered with his lips barely parted away from her head. Kunikida leaned his head away from her, then gaped when he saw Y/N conscious, staring straight into his eyes. Immediately, red tainted his cheeks. "I...I'm so sorry I should not have done that." He began to pull his hand away from her cheek and cleared his throat. "That was completely unprofessional and I will not do that again."

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