Chapter 13- Confusing answers

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"Now this is weird..." Yosano mumbled to herself. She examined the screen in front of her, which was a scan of Y/N's body. Y/N was laying peacefully on the table beside Yosano, unconscious in the procedure room as the doctor examined her. She pressed a few keys on her computer and clicked. After a couple of seconds, the printer from inside the office of the agency started to print out a couple of pieces of paper. Kunikida had noticed it, and went to grab it curiously. He examined it for a moment, then looked up at Ranpo.

"Ranpo, I think this is for you." He told him. Ranpo looked up, face full of chips, and hands full of candy. He let out a sigh.

"Gahh work? Okay, then I guess." He whined as he jumped up from his seat and walked over to the blonde grabbing the papers. He then started walking towards the door, and let out his hand in the air. "CIAO!" He called out to the rest of the agency. Everyone in response happily said goodbye.


"That's in my body?" Y/N said with utter confusion. She was starring at another scanned copy of her body scan. On the picture, there laid a line of different color dots. They were all lined up around different parts of her body. They all started from a rectangular shape located in her brain, then divided up to her chest, arms, legs, etc. "Do you think that's Eve?"

"It would make sense. Considering it's coursing throughout your body. Besides, it does not look like it was made by your body itself whatsoever." Yosano explained.

"So this contributes to the AI theory?" Kunikida continued with a question. Yosano was about to answer until another voice did.

"Yep, and there's a lot more to it as well." Y/N, Yosano, and Kunikida all turned their heads to see Ranpo come into the office.

"That took you less than 30 minutes, impressive," Kunikida said looking at his watch. Ranpo gave a prideful smile.

"Ah it could've taken me 5, but Yosano wanted complete evidence and I stopped by the store to get more snacks," Ranpo said while putting his bag of snacks down on the desk. He still had the files in hand, until he handed them to Yosano.

"So, what did you find?" The doctor asked him.

"Well- Eve is a type of injection drug named CHNO.45. It's made by an underground company called the creators, established around two decades ago. They've made all sorts of AI drugs, poisonous gases, and really anything you can make in a science lab. Although the main difference is their products are used for horrendous things. For example, remember that parasite drug that was used on you?" Ranpo asked looking at Y/N. She shifted in her seat and averted her glance.

(A/N- Fun fact, CHNO is a shortened version of the chemical formula for Tryptophan, which is something that produces serotonin.

"Uh, yeah. You don't mean.." Y/N paused.

"Yep, that was made by them as well. One of your assassins saw it being sold on the black market and took it upon themselves to use it on you. It's not cheap though apparently." He explained. The young woman gulped. Although she has anticipated hearing more about Eve and the parasite drug, she was still nervous Ranpo had figured something out that she didn't want him to.

"Back to Eve though." Ranpo continued. "Eve was a creation they made a couple of years after they established. Although they assumed it to be a bust, one company was interested in it and they made a deal."

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