Chapter 21- Melting Ice

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The next few hours seemed to go on for a lifetime. She wasn't used to interrogation, and although Kunikida had claimed it wasn't, it might as well have been. She sat in a small room, on a metal chair. Ahead of her was a long table, with another chair on the other side. The walls were made of brick, and there was a one-sided window, she only saw her reflection on her side though. It almost felt like she was in one of the detective movies she used to enjoy watching as a child. Although she wasn't playing the role of the cool Sherlock Holmes hero, she was playing the idiotic criminal who had lost themselves.

It ached her to answer each question, it truly didn't help that the person interrogating her was the blonde himself. His face seemed to be still the hold time, showing no emotion whatsoever. She was glad that he didn't ask one question that she didn't want to answer.

"Was it all fake?"

The answer was yes and no. She did love him, but her whole identity was a lie. She didn't know if that kiss from Kunikida was genuine, so she didn't know if he returned her feelings. How could he though? He had been cold as ice. The type of ice that was so cold that it made your skin feel like it was burning at the touch of it; But she didn't think this ice would melt anytime soon, turning into a nice soothing feeling of water. She didn't blame him for acting this way, considering the past events.

"That'll be all." He finally said getting up from his seat. Y/N bit her lower lip harshly as she watched his figure move.

"Kunikida—" She whispered lightly but Kunikida heard it. He stopped in his tracks and turned his heel to face her. "Not that this matters in the slightest but..." The woman paused, then sighed. "Everything I said to you that night was me being honest, that was all true."

"I know." His response made a knot turn in her stomach. She hunched under her shoulders and clenched her fists in her lap.

"I've accepted my fate at this point.." She continued with a shaken voice. "The only thing I'm angry at you about is the fact you aren't showing your anger towards me when I deserve it. I'm okay with it, truly--"

"Don't get it twisted Y/N." He interrupted with more emotion in his voice. "I've never been mad at you."

"Why not?" Y/N demanded, starting to show her irritation with the man. She was shocked when he sighed, a small smile forming on his lips. He looked at her directly in the eyes.

"Because you didn't go through with it." The woman's lips parted. Never before has she ever been so provoked to hit a man.

"But..—" She struggled to find words. "THAT'S IDIOTIC!" Y/N yelled out, slamming her fists on the table ahead of her.

"Quite the contrary." Kunikida replied calmly. "You yourself showed that you didn't want to do it. You felt forced to, but even so, you never went through with it. I'm sure that took some amount of streng-"

"SHUT UP!" She yelled out starting to cover her ears and shut her eyes closed. "THERE'S NO WAY SOMEONE CAN BE SO COMPASSIONATE! YOU DON'T KNOW ME. HOW CAN SOMEONE EVEN DO SUCH A THING IN SUCH A HARSH SITUATION?! THERE'S NO REASON FOR YOU NOT TO BE MAD!" An object was slid across the table, making her flinch. She opened her eyes and saw his ideals notebook. She placed the edges of it between her fingers. "Why.."

"I can not simply defy a lifestyle that I have followed my whole life. I am required to look at all sides of a situation, and understand everything." He explained as Y/N stared at the notebook.

"Then why are you acting so cold..?" She asked even more confused. He was silent. After not getting a response, she looked up. "Kuniki-"

"I failed to protect you entirely. From the very beginning, regardless of anything, that was my job. Now you are in a situation that I cannot fix." He blurted out turning to the side. Y/N stared for a moment, then chuckled to herself, making Kunikida glance at her curiously.

"You are so odd.." She said attempting to wipe the tears away from her eyes. "Even if I was trying to kill you, you still feel the need to protect me?" She questioned still laughing.

"Yes." He responded with no hesitation. The woman took her hands away from her face and looked at him shocked. "Always." There was now silence, how was she supposed to respond to him? Kunikida turned around and headed towards the door.

"You're wrong!" She blurted out unexpectedly. Her energy made her stand up, slamming her hands on the table to keep her balance, the chair shifting backward from her body pushing it.


"I mean, you didn't fail at all! I'm still here! Alive and well, ready to change! I know that sounds super suspicious coming from a criminal, but it's true! You helped me with that! Actually, I'm tired of you being so harsh on yourself! Give yourself some more credit god damnit!" She lectured him starting to walk over to his idle, and shocking figure. Y/N slammed his ideals notebook on his chest harshly.

"Y/N, what are you.."

"I will be living proof of your accomplishments! I will help you figure out this whole case! I myself don't know everything about my life, and I'm sick of it! After that, I will stay with you! I will make sure that your ideals are fulfilled, always!" Y/N was shocked she was saying all of this truth. She didn't know she had it in her to be so bold. It didn't matter though, what did is that she got her point across. The woman waited for the blonde's response, but all that came out was a laugh.

"I find it so ironic." He replied, showing a rare smile.


"You call me odd when you yourself are just as strange." He had observed, looking at her with eyes that almost seemed relieved.

"I am not! What I'm doing is just common sense!!" Y/N defended herself, acting offended by the comment. Kunikida's laugh was low but quite soothing, she noticed. It was also extremely contagious. Her pouted lips couldn't help but lift into a smile, a giggle soon coming from her.

"I will take you up on that offer though, you're going to have to work hard, however." He accepted, giving her his smile. A determined face came onto her.

"That's the plan entirely. Even if you said no, it wasn't an option." She admitted. They now stood in comforting silence. The woman felt the icy feeling of Kunikida's stare melt into a soft tone. The ice on her hand slid across her palm, slippery from the water forming on it. Y/N took her hand and traced a cross with her finger on her palm. The blonde flinched a bit when the woman also took his hand, starting to trace a cross on his palm with her finger.

"What are you doing..?" He asked curiously by her actions.

"When I was a child, instead of making pinky promises, we made weird oaths. The person making the oath would trace a cross on both of their palms, and once that was done.." She paused lifting the same hand she traced a cross on and slapped it onto Kunikida's hand. Their palms were perfectly aligned, allowing both of the adults to grasp onto each other's wrists. "I, Y/N, pledge to change, letting your ideals be fulfilled." She chanted with a prideful smile. Her tone was child-like and relieved at the same time. The woman shook his hand up and down slightly. "Then boom, I can't break the oath. Stupid right?"

"Not at all, I think it works much more than pinky promises. There is a whole ritual and all." He answered, eyebrows raised. The woman stared into Kunikida's greenish-gray eyes, him doing the same. They didn't let go of each other's hands, mutually feeling that they belonged there. The door suddenly opened, making them flinch and let go of each other quickly.

"Oh- I'm sorry! Am I interrupting something..?" An unfamiliar girl peered out from the door. She had long black hair, with deep gray eyes. She wore a seifuku, (A/N- A Japanese school uniform) and wore long black socks.

"Naomi, I didn't realize you and Tanizaki-kun were back." He commented, trying to act normal. Naomi smiled.

"Mhm! Onii-sama and I came back this morning! The president filled us in with everything!" Naomi explained. "Oh-! But that's not that point. Y/N, I believe your name is..?" She asked turning to Y/N.

"Oh uh, yes?"

"There's someone here to see you, can you come to the lobby?" She requested.

"Oh..? Who?" Y/N asked

"Someone who claims to be your bodyguard." The two adults widened their eyes, then looked at each other.

"Is that..?" Kunikida started.

"Yes.." Y/N answered firmly. The events to come next may get messy.

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