Chapter 38- The Strongest Person I Know

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(A/N- I redid the ending cause I didn't like it lol enjoy my lovelies :))

The next day was nothing but a blur. Y/N hardly ate, and the only time she had was when Atsushi practically forced her during the late noon. She had spent most of the day mindlessly walking around the city. (The day was warmer than usual, so the cold was bearable.) It was a weekend day, so many children (who were taking advantage of the day off of school) were spending their time outside.

She would always feel this odd rage grow inside her when she'd see a child with their parents. Of course, it wasn't particularly logical to blame someone for having a close to a normal childhood. It was more of being envious of those children and parents alike. For the children, it would be for the fact that they had good guardians who sincerely cared for them. For the parents, it would be for the fact that they had the opportunity to watch those children grow.

When Y/N started to feel her thoughts suffocating her well-being, she would try to distract herself. Going into small shops to see what she could buy with the little money she had. Sometimes taking odd jobs from citizens around the city. Whether it be delivering goods, or helping a child locate their toy. It was random truly.

Every so often, the woman would glance at her phone. For a text, a phone call, anything. Whatever format it would be in, it would give her the message that Kunikida was conscious and well. Today was the last possible day he could be saved from his fate of death. However, the only message she had gotten was a spam text for a discount on vitamin gummies. (Not appealing)

Once there were no more jobs to do, Y/N was mindlessly walking once more. The more the sun lowered to signify the evening, the more she felt her hope losing itself. She couldn't lose Kunikida, not after she had lost...

Well, that doesn't matter. Perhaps this was an inevitable fate. Something that would be a part of her backstory one could say. If Kunikida died, would she still stay in the agency? Most likely, considering the agency still had the job of protecting her from the Rabid dogs. Even so, her sense of purpose would very quickly deteriorate, and the woman would become only a floating object that roams around in space.

Y/N soon neared a cemetery. It wasn't as dark and gloomy as the one she had seen back in Wales. The setting sun's light was slightly being covered by the gravestones. Knowing not what else to do, she went inside of it. In reality, the place was pretty, and most importantly, silent.

Although, silence had meant excessive thinking, which was something Y/N didn't want to do. So instead, she listened for the birds and the rustle of the trees that the wind brought on. Her mind was wandering for a while until something caught her eye. A man was sitting near a gravestone, resting his eyes.

"A cemetery is an interesting place is it not?" Y/N flinched and fully looked at the man. Dazai kept his gaze down, but the woman could tell his attention was on her, and clearly knew who she was.

"I suppose." Y/N walked up to the bench in front of the gravestone Dazai was sitting near and sat down. "What are you doing here?"

"Reminiscing on memories of my old friend, I guess you could say." He stated with a small smile on his face. Y/N looked to the gravestone he was leaning up against, it read:


Y/N thought back to when they were in the helicopter, heading back to Yokohama. She recalled the words she had said to Dazai, 'you'll never know what it feels like to lose someone.'

"I shouldn't have assumed your past. That was..stupid." Y/N murmured, looking down at her shoes.

"You're right."

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