Chapter 31- Hatching Egg

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There the egg stood. In a vast space of nothingness. It stood, lonely without a mother. Would the mother come back to nurse her egg? Who knows. But the egg wanted to crack, to hatch. When would it happen..?

The raindrops slid down the window shield. The girl lazily let her head fall to the side as she watched outside the glass . She saw two water droplets fall and land side by side each other. They began to slide to the side, following the wind.

Akimi didn't know why, but she wanted one specific droplet to reach the edge of the window first. "C'mon little raindrop, you can beat the other raindrop if you try hard enough." She thought in her head. The look of determination stayed on her face but was quickly washed off when her favorite raindrop did not win.

Akimi stared at her failed raindrop student. How disappointing, she'd even cheered him on, and he still didn't win.

Everyone else was asleep except for Mr. Kunikida, who was driving the vehicle. She found the helicopter fascinating and thought that she'd ask him to teach him the basics when she grew older. Although, that's saying that she would stay by his side for that long.

When she would meet her mom and dad, what would happen? Akimi didn't particularly like the idea of staying with strangers, even if they were her parents, she still didn't know them. The girl was more much comfortable staying with Mr. Kunikida, who was far more kind to her than anyone else. Even Y/N was starting to grow on her too. The future was unknown, but whatever path Mr. Kunikida or Y/N wanted her to take, she'd take it.

"Akimi-san, are you awake?" The man's voice caught her attention.

"Yes, is there something you need?" The girl immediately responded.

"Ah, I just wanted to see. We're almost at St. David's, a couple more minutes till we land." He said, firming his grip on the steering stick. The blonde averted his glance to his side, to find a sleeping Y/N. Her small movements as she breathed, lips parted, sheltering herself from the cold with a blanket, all of it could bring him happiness. The fabric of the blanket began to fall off her arms until Kunikida reached over and pulled it over her shoulders with a smile.

"Kunikida-san," Akimi said. Her voice was quiet and showed no unique tone.


"Am I going to stay with my parents after this..?" The man was silent. Kunikida contemplated in his head, cause even he was unsure.

"It'll mostly depend on the circumstances. We don't know what your parents are like. It'll be your choice in the end though." The blonde explained, looking for the area he was supposed to land on the floor below them.

"My choice..?" Akimi clenched her fist on her lap and looked at her hands.

"That's right. You get to choose how you want to live." Her choice..? That was something she didn't get very often. The concept of choices and choosing was scary to her though. The girl would rather put her future in the hands of other people. Because the people who would make her decisions would mostly know what it would result in. It would be easy, and she wouldn't have to think for herself. Even when she would make decisions for herself, nothing compared to how this decision would affect her future.

Akimi continued to look out into the night sky. They've been flying for hours, and now it was nearly evening. Considering they had to stop multiple times due to the number of times Ranpo had to use the bathroom, it took longer than they had hoped. She could see some of the mountains they were flying over, but those landscapes soon calmed down into small hills and plains. She would soon place her foot in the land that she was born in.


"Alright, here's your keys for two rooms. Enjoy your stay." A lady at the front desk of a hotel slid two key cards across the table only for Kunikida to take them in his hands. He turned around and went to the lobby where he found Y/N, Akimi, and Ranpo.

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