Chapter 4- The Real Job at Hand

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Y/N could feel herself coming in and out of consciousness. Her hearing became muffled once again. She lazily looked around, trying to come to terms with her situation. She looked up and saw Kunikida, face roughed up a little.

"How odd.." She thought to herself. It was so rare for someone to be protecting her like this, with such care as well.

"Cmon, keep your eyes open..!" Kunikida said noticing she was drifting out of consciousness. He didn't know what was wrong with her, but he knew something was up. As Kunikida yelled at her, she could barely hear anything. She finally closed her eyes.


"Eh? So what you're telling me is I have to play pretend princess?" A woman who appeared to be Y/N asked. She looked different though. Instead of elegant garments, she wore baggy jeans with holes on them, with a black tank top tucked into her jeans.

"Yes, I'm sure you're aware of the situation you're in Y/N. It's best if you do your mission from the inside now." A man, or also her boss explained as he crossed his legs on his rotatable chair.

"Ugh, but I wanted to see the look on his face when I would surprise attack him from behind!! He would never expect me, then BOOM, dead within a second!!" Y/N said animatedly with excitement. Her boss simply sighed glaring up at her, making Y/N flinch.

"I'd have complete faith in you to do that if you still had your special ability." He started reminding her. Y/N winced, her special ability seemed to be the only thing that made her useful in this organization, the Rabid Dogs Society. She bit her lip glancing to the side, turning quiet.

"This is your last chance Y/N, you can prove that you're still capable of carrying out missions without your special ability." Her boss explained to her as he rubbed his temples leaning back on his chair. Y/N gritted her teeth, not being able to hold back her anger.

"I'm still useful even without my special ability!! You need me! My very existence determines whether or not this place goes up in flames!" Y/N yelled out angrily. She immediately regretted her words when her boss suddenly flipped her body over from her wrist by pure strength. Y/N landed on her back with a harsh impact, nearly knocking the wind out of her.

"I wouldn't get cocky Y/N, you no longer have that ability that made all of what you said true." Y/N winced in pain getting on all fours.

"None of what you said is valid anymore, without your power, you're just useless." Y/N widened her eyes, turning to a squint. The word useless kept replaying in her mind.

"Get this job done, and you might not be thrown away to the rats." Her boss said walking away from Y/N as guards started leading her out of the office.


"UGH-" Y/N yelled out as she kicked an empty can of soda to the brick wall in an alleyway.

"You're in a pissier mood than usual." A familiar voice said bluntly. Y/N jumped to turn around to see who the intruder was.

"GOD- Micky! You can't just sneak up on me like that!!" Micky was sitting on a wooden box, legs crossed with a newspaper in hand. He had a prickly beard, with messy bangs, and had his black hair up in a man-bun.

"I've been here the whole time, you're the one who came out of nowhere." He said blankly as his green eyes flew across the comics on his newspaper. Regardless of Micky's cold attitude towards Y/N, he was actually one of Y/N's best friends. Being her partner ever since she joined the organization. He knew her best and was the only one who really ever had her back.

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