CHAPTER 6- Yokohama's night sky

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"Huh, I guess you can really take in Japan now huh.." Y/N's eyes widened as she quickly turned in a fighting stance.

His hair moved along gracefully with the wind as he took in the city. He was sitting on the metal railing in a shaded area of the balcony. The face that Y/N knew so well turned to her with the same emotionless face he always had, though it looked a little smug at that time.

"MICKY-" Y/N quickly put her hand over her mouth to try and not alert Kunikida. She sighed putting her hands down. "Why do you always do that-?!" She whispered angrily.

"Nice to see you too," Micky responded glancing back at the city lights. Y/N rolled her eyes.

"You do realize you could get caught here right?!" She said in an irritated tone coming up to him.

"I heard you almost died, so I wanted to make sure you weren't actually dead. On your first day, you got attacked, world record really." Micky explained slightly smirking at his own remark. Y/N sighed putting her elbows on the railing next to Micky.

"Did I play the role well?" Micky asked breaking the small lasting silence. Y/N raised her eyebrows.


"As your, professional bodyguard." Micky reminded her. Y/N nearly choked on her own spit. The man glanced over curiously at her response.

"SORry sorry, I just completely forgot about that.." She apologized not trying to laugh at the thought of her best friend playing such an out-of-character role. "Yeah, you were really into it. You even kissed my hand! You're lucky I didn't gag out because of your cooties!!" Y/N said dramatically. Micky started laughing but quickly stopped himself. Y/N stopped, looking at him shocked.

"Did you just laugh..?"


"At something, I said..?"


"You never laugh-"

"Yes, I do..-"

"Then why are you trying to deny that you laughed? And besides no you don't!"

"I do laugh, just not at your terrible jokes."

"They're not terrible! I make amazing jokes! But, I wasn't joking about your disgusting cooties!!"

"What are you, five?"


Micky sighed hanging his head down as he quietly chuckled. He took out a cigarette and started lighting it. Y/N squinted her eyes at him.

"Really? Here?" Y/N complained wanting to take it away from him.

"What? You don't usually mind it." Micky bluntly said already starting to put it in his mouth, ready to blow into it and exhale.

"This isn't my place, and you aren't an official guest. I don't want Kunikida to be smelling drugs on his balcony." Y/N yanked the cigarette out of Micky's mouth, making him groan a bit. "How'd you find out where I was anyway?" She questioned as she smushed the cigarette and dropped it down below the balcony.

"You really think we went back to base after we dropped you off? A bunch of us are all around Yokohama, and I just so happened to follow you here once I found out you woke up." Micky explained as he sadly looked down at where the cigarette fell.

"You seriously followed me? Are you dumb or stupid?" The woman insulted.

"Says the one who almost died on the first day of her mission," Micky replied bluntly. Y/N grumbled. Fair She sadly sighed as she sulked her head down. "You just need to adapt to fighting without your special ability Y/N."

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