Chapter 17- In Loving Memory

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His face was still. Kunikida had stopped in his tracks, and he furrowed his brows.

"What...what do you mean?" He questioned worryingly, licking his dry lips.

"I mean exactly what I asked, who are you?" She said starting to turn hostile."Not only that, where am I? What is this place? Why am I handcuffed?" Y/N started raising her voice.

"You aren't serious right now, you know who I am Y/N-"

"Don't say my name as if you know me!!" She yelled out. "I don't know who the hell you are! You better let me go, or you'll regret it." The young woman threatened. Kunikida wasn't sure how to respond to this. They stared at each other, the blonde with a worried face, and Y/N with anger.

(A/N- Okay so since I'm mentioning the word again I'll just say this and call myself out. This whole time I've been spelling staring wrong 😀😀😀. So- do well with that info.)

Kunikida walked closer to her. "Y/N, I don't know what's going on, but it's me. Kunikida Doppo." Y/N flinched as he came closer, lashing her hand out violently in front of her, making Kunikida confused. She blinked, looking at her hand.

"What did you do to me...? Why can't I activate.." Y/N widened her eyes, hands starting to shake.

"Activate what..?"

"MY ABILITY DUMBASS." She lashed out at him. Kunikida watched on bewildered at everything she was saying. He clenched his fists, only being able to stand there. A vein pulsed out of Y/N's face. "WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! AT LEAST TELL ME WHY YOU TOOK ME..! WHO ARE YOU? WHO DO YOU WORK FO-" The door swung open.

"Kuniki-!" Yosano was standing at the doorway and stopped mid-sentence as she saw Y/N.

"Yosano..what's going on? Why doesn't she remember anything..?" Kunikida asked turning to the doctor. She sighed looking down.

"I'm sorry I never told you.." She replied with a small ounce of guilt. The doctor turned her head over to Y/N. "I believe I need to explain what happened to you as well."

The young woman pursed her lips together, still holding onto her hand.


The day before: 18:45/6:45 pm

"Okay, but I really need you to pay attention to me Y/N. Consider everything." Yosano said with a stern look on her face. Y/N shifted in her seat, slightly nervous.

"Right, tell me, I'm ready." She demanded.

"When CHNO.45, or, Eve, was injected, its main elements went towards the brain. There it started setting up a small system that influenced your dreams at certain times. It's taken over so much of your neurological system that.." The doctor shook her head. "You may lose some of your memory."

of course, this had to be the catch

Once again, Y/N's heart fell. The day itself was a disaster, and she didn't know why she couldn't get a sliver of good news on this mission. Although she didn't know what she was expecting. Everything she had been doing wasn't part of the plan at all, so it should be expected that many things go wrong. However, she wasn't necessarily upset that she stayed, she was getting what she wants. More answers, even if those answers made her just as confused.

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