Chapter 22- Micky

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There he was

He was leaning on one of his legs, tapping his foot while looking around. His body looked very fidgety. His man-bun was quite messy, many hairs sticking out from the rubberband He and Y/N made eye contact, and he could feel his heart lift.

"Y/N— I mean, Princess." Micky corrected himself coming towards her. She averted her glance, putting her hands behind her back as she looked straight into his eyes. He had noticed none of the Agency members weren't in the lobby. "Good, no ones here. You need to leave." He ordered already starting to grab her arm and pull her towards the door.

"Ow. Seriously, this again?" Y/N whined, holding her feet in one position.

"Yes, I knew this was a bad idea. Let's hurry and leave before they notice." Micky said pulling on her arm harder.

"God, Micky stop. That hurts." She complained pulling her arm away from Micky's grasp. "Why do I need to leave?"

"I just, you need to trust me. You're about to get involved in stuff I don't want you to get involved with." He vaguely explained.

"You're not my father Micky, I can stay if I want to." She argued starting to avert her glance. "I'm not going anywhere." Before Micky could say anything else, he felt a gun up against the back of his head.

"And you're not either," Dazai smirked, holding the gun up. Micky's lips parted.

"And where did you come from?" Micky questioned keeping his body still, clenching his jaw.

"Just from outside actually, but don't we all," Dazai admitted with a playful smile, although his eyes were still full of mischief.

"Oh really? That's a shock." Micky said with sarcasm, rolling his eyes. "May I ask why you're pointing a gun to my head?"

"That's a stupid question." Ranpo came into view. Turned out he had been sitting on a rotatable chair the whole time. The detective put his hands behind his head, leaning back in the chair. "I didn't know you would be one to ask questions with obvious answers."

Micky turned his gaze over to Y/N. "What's going on here?" She didn't really know how to respond.

"Micky, just listen to them." She said with a small ounce of guilt in her eyes. Micky let out a small chuckle.

"So I'm assuming they know everything you know?" He said lowering his chin, looking up at her.

"More than that actually," Ranpo admitted standing up and giddily walking over to the foreigner. This statement confused Y/N.

"Wait, more? What does that mean?" She questioned, arching her eyebrows as she turned to face Ranpo.

"Why don't we start by asking what your last name is, Micky-kun. My dear old pal." Ranpo smiled at Micky, who widened his eyelids.

"What..? What are you getting on at?" Micky's voice shook a little.

"Cedric Fletcher. Died at the age of 30 due to multiple fatal stab wounds from an anonymous person." Kunikida came out from the hallway, file in hand.

"Ah, but one thing is wrong about that file Kunikida-kun." Ranpo raised his index finger grinning. The blonde raised his eyebrows.

"Go on."

"See, it's obvious who the killer was. And that's none other than our new friend here, Micky. Micky Fletcher.

"What..? Micky don't tell me you were the one who was.." Y/N went closer to him, looking up to meet his gaze.

"Why don't you explain your backstory Micky-kun?" Dazai suggested. Micky was silent, standing idle.

"Let's get him to an interrogation room."

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