CHAPTER 5- Living Quarters

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Y/N woke up with a jolt. She quickly sat up, only to be greeted by a small headache. She winced, quickly putting her hand on her forehead. When the pain went away, she looked around at where she was. It seemed to be an infirmary. She realized that the pain she had felt from the drugs was gone. Was she healed? Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard snoring.

She paused, and slowly glanced over to the side to reveal Dazai. He was lazily leaning back in his chair, his chin up. He had a snot bubble that extended in and outward as he breathed in and out. Y/N was a little taken aback by her visitor. She contemplated waking him up until the door was opened jolting him awake. Behind the door revealed Atushi.

"Dazai, it's time to switch.." Atsushi started until he saw conscious Y/N sitting upon the white bed. He widened his eyes a little as he entered the room.

"Y/N-san! Hah..thank goodness!" The man said with relief.

"Ah..! Yes, Princess! So glad you're awake!" Dazai exclaimed trying to hide the fact he fell asleep on guard.

"How long have I been out..?" Y/N asked them still shocked and confused.

"Ah, well after Yosano sensei treated you, it's been about 2 days," Atushi explained to her. Y/N winced her eyes at the fact that she was out for that long.

"I'll go let the others know you're awake," Dazai announced as he skipped out the infirmary.

"Can you stand..?" Atsushi asked offering a hand to her. Y/N took the sheets off of her and threw her legs to the side to dangle off the bed.

"I think so.." Y/N responded unsure placing her feet on the ground trying to get up on her own. She wobbled a little bit which resulted in Atsushi grabbing her shoulder to help her steady her body. Once Y/N had her stance properly on the ground, she sighed, thanking him as they walked out of the infirmary.

"Everyone was super worried about you, especially Kunikida-san," Atushi explained to her as he guided her through the agency halls. Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"Why especially Kunikida..?" Y/N asked a little curious.

"Well, he believes it was his fault..." Atsushi pitifully said while averting his eyes. Y/N tilted her head.

"Well, he shouldn't. I was the one who got myself into that situation. Honestly, I probably deserved it." Y/N sighed putting her head down. Atsushi's gaze went towards her, as his eyelids lifted slightly. Y/N widened her eyes a little, putting her finger to her mouth, realizing what she said. crap...I said too much.

"D-don't say that Y/N!" Atsushi started, surprised that Y/N made that comment. "None of this is your fault okay? Just know that." He reassured her as he smiled softly at her. Y/N sighed smiling, then started ruffling his hair.

"Yeah yeah, alright. Thank you." She said trying to get back to her cheerful mood. They walked on to the main office of the agency, to find the rest of the detectives. Everyone's attention went onto Y/N as she walked out. A sweatdrop slid through her forehead as she awkwardly waved.

"Y/N-sama, I'm glad you're awake." Y/N turned to see Kunikida walking up to her.

"Ah of course, with the thanks of everyone." She said clapping her hands together smiling softly.

"I should've realized something was up sooner, I apologize," Kunikida said bowing his head down with not much expression. He flinched when Y/N slapped her palm on his shoulder.

"Ah don't be like that!! I was being stupid too! Besides, you were the one who got me the agency in a flash to get me treated right? If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have made it." Y/N reassured with a bright smile. Kunikida's gaze softened, surprised he felt comforted by her words. He fixed his posture averting his eyes as a sweatdrop slid through his cheek.

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