Chapter 40 - Moving On

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(A/N- SO SORRY I DIDN'T UPDATE LAST WEEK!! I was having a really rough week at the time! I do hope you enjoy this chapter though! :))

They were odd occurrences. Random objects in her room catching on fire, the woman herself not being affected by the heat of the fire, at times it felt like her bare hands would inflict the damage. She didn't notice it for a while, but the situation started happening when they came back from Wales. Could it be..? No, there's no way.

Paranormal activity was something she wasn't used to. Ghosts, spirits, anything as such was all odd to her. While it was indeed true that she had used special powers and had been around multiple people who use powers, an odd activity involving death was simply unsettling and had hardly crossed her mind.

Kunikida himself said that he didn't believe it was a matter of spirits, but perhaps someone's ability. There could've been a possible ability user that wanted to terrorize... or maybe help her? Y/N had noticed in some instances, the odd flames had protected her from others who were trying to hurt her. The woman had never experienced such a thing before, and it freaked her out; so finding out exactly what was going on with her was almost essential.

Y/N was walking out of the elevator onto the fourth level of the building that held the Agency the next day. Once again, she was beyond exhausted. She had known Kunikida wanted her to quit her morning job, but something inside held her back from doing so. The woman rubbed her eyes, yearning for one of the rolling chairs in the office. Her legs ached beyond comparison, and even if it was just for a little while, she wanted to sit down. With a heaving sigh, Y/N walked into the agency lazily.

"Some coffee for your troubles?" The woman snapped out of her dazed state and looked at the grinning brunette who was right in front of her. Dazai was holding a coffee cup with hot steam coming out of the top.

"I appreciate it Dazai." Y/N took the cup and held it with her hand, immediately feeling the warmth that came from the drink on her skin. "How did you know I would need this?" She asked as she proceeded to take a sip from the cup.

"Oh I didn't, I accidentally poured salt into it instead of creamer; and I didn't want to be wasteful!!" Y/N spits some of the drink out back into the cup and winced at the disgusting taste.

"Ah..blegh-" She clicked her tongue, trying to suck the flavor out her mouth. "Very funny, Dazai." Y/N shook her head and placed the cup down whilst avoiding looking at the man's amused face. Well, that surely woke her up...

The woman sighed and began walking towards the training area. She found a couple of papers on Kunikida's desk, so Y/N decided to slightly glance at it.

- Yokohama's Funeral Home -


Y/N stared at the paper for a moment, already knowing what the paper was for. Many of the information was already filled out, including the deceased person name:


Just Akimi. There was no last name to put.

She felt a person's presence behind her and saw Kunikida.

The blonde gaped at her. Y/N simply smiled, ignoring the paper application she had just seen, and kept walking towards the training room.


"Y/N, about that form you saw earlier-" Kunikida started as the woman began putting on boxing knuckle guards.

"I didn't see anything, don't worry about it." Y/N interrupted with a small smile, getting ready in a fighting pose.

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