Chapter 23- Knew all along

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"You're lying."

Micky flinched as he furrowed his brows. "What? I'm telling nothing but the truth." He yelled out to Ranpo.

"What you said is the truth, but not the whole truth." The detective replied. "You didn't only kill Cedric Fletcher just because you thought he would do more harm than good, you killed him so you could be the next successor of The Creators."

Everyone in the room went silent. Micky couldn't see her face at the time, but Y/N was watching closely through the one-sided window. Her lips remained parted, her eyes widened as she put a hand to her mouth.

"That's absurd! I was only thinking about Y/N and Y/N alone." Micky argued, voice scratchy from overuse.

"Maybe that's what you thought, but don't tell me you didn't want to take over in his place," Ranpo argued calmly, holding his cheek in his palm. Micky audibly gulped.

"Why would I want to take such a position..?"

"It's obvious, you were jealous. Your older brother always had the upper hand right? To your superiors, you were nothing in their eyes. When you heard The Creators needed a successor so it could keep running successfully, you saw this as an opportunity. You specialized in technology all of your life, so it would be perfect. Finally, you can be the leader of something, right? But then oh no, your brother happens to take the position. You were angry, so you thought you could take the lead if you killed him. Technically that would've been the case yes. However, now you're here; And The Creators no longer have a leader for it to continue." Ranpo explained.

"Just as planned," Dazai remarked from the other side of the wall.


"Dazai, don't tell me you've planned this from the very beginning." Kunikida glanced to the side at the brunette. Dazai simply smiled looking out at the window.

"Indeed Kunikida-kun."

"What..?" Y/N turned her heel over to Dazai. "You planned this all?"

"Right when Ranpo-kun took down The Creators a couple of months ago, he knew what would happen next. It was all a matter of being prepared as it happened." Dazai explained to her with a grin.

"So from the very beginning, you knew I was.."

"Yep, that's right! You catch on fast, not Kunikida-kun though. He had no idea." The brunette snapped his fingers at her.

"Why you little.." Kunikida gritted his teeth at him.

How in the world..? All Y/N could think of is how insane everything seemed. Especially the Agency in particular. They knew everything, right from the start, and already had a plan in motion. She glanced back into the window to see Micky, who was just as shocked as she was

Micky was silent, shocked. "How would you.."

"I told you, I'm the world's best detective aren't I? Stop doubting my abilities, it's rude!" Ranpo called out, pouting his lips and crossing his arms.


The childish detective looked at the window, right at the others. "Well, there you have it, gentlemen and lady." He called out to his own reflection, which smirked back at him. Y/N thought about Micky's story. So much added up, but not enough. Cedric had originally said that she was brought in after they found her drowning in a lake. Apparently, she got amnesia because of it, and that's why she couldn't remember.

But did that really make sense?

No, it didn't add up at all. Besides, what was the whole thing about the boss working so hard to not only buy the special ability drug but her?

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