Chapter 41 - With you forever

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Rest In Peace
My time with you was short
But I will never forget you.

Y/N stood in front of her sister's grave with a blank face. She placed a batch of cyclamens in front of the stone and kneeled at the ground for a moment. The silence in the cemetery was oddly comforting, most likely because it felt as if Akimi's soul was still present. The woman smiled as she reminisced on the past.

Her negative thoughts still lingered, but peace was beginning to take over. It was best to let her sister rest after all. Holding onto the memory of Akimi living would be selfish. Y/N exhaled and stood up from the ground. She began walking away, and towards the entrance of the cemetery.

The woman found a familiar man who was waiting for her since the funeral event ended. He took his hands out of his pockets and gave her a small smile while walking towards her. They stopped in front of each other when their figures were about 2 feet away from each other. Y/N let out her hand, and the blonde man took it into his. Together, the couple went side by side and walked along the sidewalk.

"Will you be okay?" Kunikida asked.

"Of course." Y/N clung to his arm and rubbed the sides of it. "And you?"

The blonde stopped breathing for a moment. He was damaged as well. The sky looked so beautiful though, didn't it? It may be a while until the constant thought of Akimi went away, but at least the life he was living in the present time was decent. Especially now.

"Well?" His lover's voice brought him out of his train of thought.

"I'll be alright." Kunikida responded, glancing down at her slightly. "I know we both need to work on ourselves don't we?"

"That'll take a while." Both of the adults chuckled at Y/N's helpless comment. "Quite a bit.."


The shining rays of the next morning sun shone over Kunikida's face. He had woken up far earlier than his alarm clock intended him to. It was not as if he could get much sleep in the first place. It wasn't too bad, however. Turned out Y/N couldn't sleep as well, and they stayed up much of the night speaking about odd philosophies, politics in foreign countries, and reminisced on their past selves. It was a pleasant conversation, but that's about all he remembered from it. The most he recalled was gazing at the woman's features. The fact that her appearance alone made him want to protect her with his life was astonishing.

The time displayed on his watch alerted him that it was time to leave for work. Kunikida sighed, adjusting his vest in the mirror one last time and walking over to the bed where he kissed Y/N's forehead (Who was still asleep at the time.)

"See you soon." He said straightening his posture and walking out the door.

Due to him waking up early, he was fortunately ahead of schedule. Kunikida smiled with pride, deciding that the day would be better. His eyebrows rose when he felt a vibration in his pocket. A phone call. The caller ID belonged to Ranpo.

"Ranpo-san, you sure are up earlier than usual. Is there something you need?" The blonde questioned after responding to the call.

"Micky here actually-" The other line with an almost exhausted sounding tone.

"Ah-" Well that's not a voice he thought he would hear in the morning. "Why are you calling from Ranpo's phone?"

"I don't really have access to one as you may or may not know; he's sleeping on the couch next to me so I just decided to use it," Micky explained, looking back at the sleeping man on the cushions.

"With his permission?"

"He didn't really care."

"I see, well what do you need?" 

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