Chapter 24- Pretend Couple

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"I—uh." Crap, he was getting flustered all over again. Y/N blinked, furrowing her brows.

"Are you okay..?" Y/N asked, a little concerned. Kunikida's hands were fidgety until he cleared his throat.

"Yes, I'm alright." He responded, clenching his jaw. He was not alright in the slightest. The thoughts he was having of Y/N were coming back to him once more.

"Are you sure? Your face looks a little too red considering how cold it is right now. You don't have a fever do you?" Y/N observed, stretching her arm out to reach his forehead. As soon as she placed her hand on it, Kunikida flinched and grabbed ahold of her wrist. "Oh-"

They stood there frozen for a moment, looking at each other straight in the eye. "S-sorry.." He apologized, attempting to keep his composure. Kunikida released Y/N's wrist, whose cheeks turned pink. "S-so what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the place the agency lent you?"

"Oh well, Dazai-san was leading me there. He said he wanted to stop at this ice cream shop right here, but apparently, he forgot something and said he would be right back." She explained, squeezing the back of her neck. "Did you come across him by the way..?"

"Oh, I did. I lost sight of him as well though.." That bastard, Dazai is truly messing with his schedule. But if it were for her...

no! those thoughts are very bad! your schedule takes priority unless she is in a life-threatening situation! That is what your ideals sa...

Kunikida blinked. He looked ahead of him to see Y/N, but she was looking back at the display. Behind the window showed sundaes, banana splits, and desserts of all sorts. The woman had a childish look on her face, pressing her lips together to keep herself from curling her lips into a huge smile. Although she practically failed at that, he could see the wrinkles forming around her eyes.

" looks so good." Y/N looked in awe as she gazed at the sweets. "I was really hoping that Dazai-san would come back so we could use the couples eat-free deal, even if we aren't a couple hehe," Y/N said with some disappointment in her tone, although the smile never left her face.

"Couple..?" Kunikida questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Y/N let out her hand to reveal a piece of paper. Kunikida did the same as well. They both looked down at the pieces of paper. The designs on both of them were the same, only that Kunikida's paper said "Partner 1." And Y/N's said "Partner 2." They both looked up at each other blankly and thought the same thing in sync.

Of course, it was a setup.

"Oh boy..uhm. We don't have to act like a couple you know..!" Y/N reassured him, waving her hands around frantically. "I wouldn't want to put you in that type of situation.."

"No— it's fine."


"I am willing to act like.." He paused, clearing his throat. "people in such a relationship for the sake of a dessert." He glanced at his watch. "I have time.." He thought.

"Really? Wow I, I really wasn't expecting that aha-" Y/N was quiet. With as much pride as he could, the blonde opened the door to the entrance of Rubies' ice cream. A smile went onto the woman's lips as she went past him and through the doors.

"Welcome to Rubies Ice-cream! How may I assist you?" A lady wearing an apron welcomed them behind a counter with a smile. Kunikida cleared his throat.

"Hello, we'd like to use the couples eat-free deal." The blonde let out the two coupons onto the counter for the worker as Y/N stood by him awkwardly. The lady took the papers in hand, examined them, then looked at them both.

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