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"Ramen? But that's such a simple di-" Kunikida started but was soon cut off by Y/N's pouty face. He sighed.


"Would you like a refill miss?" A waitress offered to hold a pitcher of water.
"Ah yes please!" Y/N said offering her cup. She directed her attention back to her bowl of ramen. She was slurping happily on her noodles. Kunikida laid his cheek on his hands as he stared at her hand that was holding the chopsticks. Y/N noticed an annoyed expression on his face. She stopped slurping, blinking, as a sweatdrop slid through her face.

"Uh..something wrong..?" She asked nervously as the waitress put her refilled drink back on the table. Almost immediately, Kunikida sat back up.

"You're handling the chopsticks completely wrong." He said in an orderly tone, though it was clear he was annoyed by this. Y/N gulped her drink and placed it down with a confused look on her face.

"Eh..? What do you mean? I'm doing it correctly..! I mean, I'm able to pick up the noodles and eat them-" As she was saying this, Y/N had tried to pick up some noodles with her chopsticks, only for it to go splashing down back into the bowl. Made Y/N flinch a little. Kunikida sighed pushing up his glasses, taking the pair of chopsticks he had on his side of the table. He leaned forward to reach Y/N's bowl.

"It's all about placement of your fingers Y/N-same, see..?" He explained to her as he perfectly extended the chopsticks outward putting the noodles in the middle of it. Y/N widened her eyes a little leaning in closer to the chopsticks paying no attention to how close she was getting to Kunikida. He closed them back up and lifted the chopsticks with the ramen hanging. A grin slid onto Y/N's face as the ramen came close to her mouth. She bit onto the end of the chopsticks to eat the ramen. Once she glanced up, there Kunikida was. However, it was different this time. He was so close, she could only see his eyes. Both of their tones softened as they stared at each other. They felt calm, and at ease by only looking at each other. After coming to the realization, Y/N widened her eyes quickly leaning back in her seat glancing to the side awkwardly. Kunikida, trying to keep his composure, leaned back in his chair as well. He looked out the window rubbing his neck with his hand as a small blush came onto his cheeks.

"Oii! Hurry up with that drink already!!" A random customer yelled out.

"I'm so sorry sir-!!" Their waitress apologized quickly coming through the row of tables as she held an iced coffee in a tray. She tripped on a lady's purse that was hanging out in the row, and the drink came splashing down on Y/N. Y/N jumped and let out a small yell.

"Oh my goodness!! I'm so so so so sorry ma'am!!" The waitress said freaking out repeatedly bowing.

"Oh no, it's alright! Really!" Y/N said as she waved her hands around. Kunikida was gathering the napkins that were available on the table and gave them to Y/N.

"Please allow me to help you wash up!!" The waitress offered nervously. When Y/N realized there was a stain on her clothes, she awkwardly smiled at the waitress and accepted her offer. As Y/N got up from her seat, Kunikida started standing up.

"You can stay here Kunikida-san," Y/N ordered letting her hand out at him.

"I'm supposed to protect-"

"I'm just going to the washroom, besides I'm not going alone~!" Y/N said interrupting him. Kunikida sighed and sat back down. The waitress happily started guiding her to the washroom.

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